

21 Front Squats (105/155#)
21 Pull-ups
100 Double Unders
15 Front Squats (105/155#)
15 Pull-ups
100 Double Unders 
9 Front Squats (105/155#)
9 Pull-ups

The above WOD will be run at the 6:00AM, 7:00AM, 9:30AM and 12:00 classes.

Mini- Festivus will be held at 9:30AM for those of you who cannot make it to the evening festivities!

will begin at 4:30PM. There will be a different "team" WOD during the party than the daily WOD listed above.

Regular 4:30 PM, 5:30PM and 6:30PM classes will be cancelled for Festivus.

A few Festivus Quotes: 
from the Seinfeld episode "The Strike", which aired on NBC on Thursday 18 December 1997. 

Kramer: Is there a tree?
Frank: No. Instead, there's a pole. Requires no decoration. I find tinsel distracting.

Frank Costanza: Welcome, new comers. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances.

Frank: And now as Festivus rolls on, we come to the feats of strength.

Kramer: Another Festivus miracle!


Mini Festivus at the dirty 9:30
 The crew!

Outfits of the evening...


  1. some people today thought Festivus counted against them as a class...pretty sure it doesn't as this is more of a party than a workout

  2. You are right P.

    Festivus is the holiday Christmas party for CFKoP...it doesn't count as a class...We provide free food and drink for our members. It's a fun event for everyone to enjoy each others company and visit with friends they don't see on a regular basis. Oh and workout and exchange gifts and fill out the "yearbook" awards.

    Sorry if that message was lost somewhere....

    Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

  3. 6am Festivus-ers

    Most did the front squat from the rack

    Megs 13:18 Rx
    Gina 14:43 scale
    King 15:53 135#
    KT (from ground)13:56 Rx
    Rachel 16:14 95#, Scale PU

  4. Danny, I thought you would make the trip out just for this...

  5. 930

    Jen S 13:20 sc
    G.G. 15:31 sc
    Ali K 13:08 sc
    Aimee 11:56 RX
    Tori 10:36 sc
    Jill 15:36 sc
    Tom 13:23 sc

  6. Noon:
    Brian R 11:13 scale
    Gavin 13:05 scale

  7. 7am:

    Karate Kid 12:26RX
    Mike C 15:12 125#
    Oleg 14:21 155# SU(300)
