

2 Minutes of Back Squats (155/225#)
2 Minutes Rest
2 Minutes of Back Squats (135/200#)
2 Minutes Rest
2 Minutes of Back Squats (95/135#)

Score will be total amount of Back squats competed in each 2 Minute segment (i.e. 19-22-28=69)* indicate each round separately and the total.

Rest 5 minutes

...then for time complete:
Hang Power Snatch (65/95)
Bar Muscle Up

Score will be total time for the second component (these are two separate mini WODs---ENJOY)

Community Notes: 
Prepare yourself for Delaware County's first Female-Only TEAM CrossFit competition! Teams of two will face off against each other in a battle of the CrossFit 'Girls' - like 'Fran', 'Diane' and 'Nancy'...WOD's will be announced closer to competition time. The competition will be smoking hot--sign up today!
This competition is open to female pairs and will feature a novice and RX divisions. Cost to enter is $75 per team and includes a T-shirt and snacks for competitors. Registration deadline is January 18th and we will accept no more than 50 teams.

Click here to register for the 'Girls on Girls' partner throwdown at CrossFit Harmony


Check out this new Mobility Seminar offered by Keith Wittenstein Click here for more details.

Winning is not always the barometer of getting better.
-Tiger Woods


  1. Nice little party 6 am! Fun group this morning!
    Becca: 53/3:26 sc
    Erik: 60/...
    KT: 61 RX/5:20 SC
    Wax: 65/3:26 SC
    Roni: 72/... sc
    Pete 68/6:27 RX- Way to go!
    Kathleen: 84/4:06 SC - great job girl!
    Meg: 84/...SC
    Mike S: 59/6:34 - Amazing bar muscle ups!
    Kim: 58/2:37 SC

  2. Great job on technique 9:30. And a HUGE high five to Diane for practically crushing Keith's numbers on the BS workout!

    Dianne: 14/14/14/4:42 SC
    Diane: 19/20/29 (Mens wt RX)/3:46 SC
    Brian: .../5:09 SC
    Jackie: 18/21/23/2:40 SC
    Roni: 25/22/27/ 5:14 SC
    Keith: 20/25/30/ 5:59 RX

  3. "Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They're shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they're gone."

  4. The Notebook? that's gotta be Timmy Pappas!

  5. ohhhh, ok smart ass.... that wasn't me. I don't post anything anonymous- ...but hey what a matter with somebody liking a little Nicholas Sparks??? just sayin'

  6. 6:30 Break my balls class:
    Ryan B 28/36/47 rx - 3:06 PU
    Balmer 15/15/35 rx - 2:16 rr
    Stacey 10/25/28; 120/80/70 - 4:43 scale
    Jeremy 22/21/30; 155/135/95 - 5:15 scale
    Mark 27/22/27 rx - DNF
    Conn 15/21/21; 185/135/135 - 4:31 scale
    Borden 17/20/27 rx; 4:26 C2B

    Brett 16/20/31 rx - 3:22 scale
    Steph 18/26/33; 85/65/45 - 5:31 scale

  7. Jennifer So :-)
    TP 16-16-16 Rx / 3:39 Rx
    Fugo 28@55-25@50-27@45 / 4:20 45,sc
    Alona 12@125-25@95-30@85 / 3:04 band
    Olan 19@185-18@165-20@135 / 4:46 c2b
    AOTM 15@185-17@165-20@135 / 4:03 c2b par
    Roman 18@175-20@155-22@135 / 6:47 Rx

    Jen S 15-18-26 Rx
    Jill C 24@105-24@95-25@85 / 4:39 55 sc
    Justin 18-18-20 Rx / 6:05 pu
    Derreck 10@225,185-20@185-26@135 / 3:53 sc
    Oleg 14-20-32 Rx / 4:26 c2b
    Klutch 19-22-36 Rx / 3:58 c2b
    Anne Br 19@83-20@63-22@53 / 3;48 35 sc
    Mike 14@145-16@125-16@105 / :-)
    Jess S 18@75-21@65-26@55 / 3:45 45 pu
    Shawna 19@75-22@65-24@55 / 4:35 45 sc
    LP 15@135-21@115-27@95 / 3:23 cb2 par

    Welcome to Jennifer So (can't be just Jen S) who focused on form, and Mike who took his first class. Congrats to Oleg on his first bar muscle up! And apparently Timmy lifts weights
