

Push Press

Cash out:
2 K Row

Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. 
-Mario Andretti


  1. 6am
    Tracy 110#m 9:18
    Dinger 120# 8:28
    Shoeless 135#, 8:18

  2. "You see, there are two kinds of people in this world: the workers and the hustlers. The hustlers never work and the workers never hustle..."

  3. Keith 225 :-D
    Rich P. 165, 9:19
    Alison K. 160
    Tom 205, 7:00
    Dianne 93, 9:48
    Lauren G. 60, 9:53
    Nicole 85, 8:20
    Jonathan 165

    Good job yo, Tom getting on the board for 2k Row. Boom.

  4. 12n
    John M 155, 7:50
    Rick 135, 7:32
    Gavin 135, 846
    King 175, 7:06pr
    Pam 115pr, 8:40

  5. sucks so bad to row hard for 7 minutes and miss the board by 2 seconds - aghhhh. Every rep counts and every second counts - thats why I love this sport!

  6. Joe G. 185, 8:31
    Ryan 315PR, 7:01
    Byrnsey 235PR, 7:49
    Travis 175PR, 7:41
    Shannon 115
    Jaime 95
    Sharon 135
    Brittany 95, 9:35
    Fayth 85
    Anne 85
    Steph C. 95
    Maddie 85
    Seshu 125, 7:55
    Keith 105, 12:15
    Diane 165

    Good job guys, 7:30 lost track of time for the row!

  7. 5:30

    Laura 115 8:53
    Kelly 120 PR 8:42
    Kyle 80(strict) 9:15
    Shawna 83 PR 9:26
    Luke 165 7:35
    Tim H 185 PR 7:59
    Matt B 205 7:45
    Oleg 195 PR 7:57


    Balmer 205 7:18
    Faby 225 (pumped Biceps)
    Steph 133 (pumped Biceps)
    Jim C 225 8:00
    Jeremy 155 8:15point six

  8. Ryan's row was also a pr!! Shout out to king today. Killer row time. Right there with the big boys!

  9. Thanks Aimee and Steph, the pr would not have been possible without all the great coaching. Also I was afraid to stop on the rower with Steph cheering.

    Good work King you will get sub 7 soon.

    Ryan B
