
Postpartum Women's Wellness Program

Child bearing is a natural physiologic event and your body has undergone tremendous physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy and postpartum.  Now is the time to take an hour out of your day for YOU! Use the New Year- 2014 as a time to get your pre-baby body back and get healthy.

Working out is a key part of any fitness goal, whether you’re aiming to lose weight, burn fat and increase definition, build your strength or just maintain a healthy body lifestyle. CrossFit King of Prussia has put together a specific results based, customized workout & nutrition program targeted to postpartum Mom’s. The workouts will contain Constantly Varied, Functional Movements executed at High Intensity…this program will build on mechanics, and consistency as you work through the 6 week program.

The class has been developed by Aimee Lyons, mother of two, CrossFitter, owner of two CrossFit gyms and CrossFit level 1 seminar staff trainer.  Aimee has used CrossFit and the methodologies to come back from two pregnancies and train over 25 women through successful pregnancies and postpartum.  For more information check out http://crossfitkoppregnancy.blogspot.com/

As a BONUS we will offer FREE babysitting while you workout. 


6 Weeks- 3 days a week, 9:30-10:30AM Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Program will begin on January 13th and run through February 21st.
FREE Babysitting available while you workout

Use this link to register online:

I fully understand how nuts life is after having a baby but I can't say enough about the benefits of CrossFit. This will give you the physical and mental energy you need to care for your little one(s). This program will not only be a great way to meet and bond with other mom's but you will SEE RESULTS and have fun in the process!!! It is only 1 hour out of your day with the support of an amazing trainer like Aimee and the community that is CrossFit. I personally have been doing CrossFit for 4 years and did it throughout my entire pregnancy. I gained 40 lbs. with my pregnancy and I credit my quick postpartum recovery to CrossFit. Aimee is highly experienced in training mom's and is very aware of the postpartum body considerations. So mom's, don't want to wait a year+ before squeezing back into those pre-pregnancy jeans??? This is the program for you!

After many years of struggling to begin a family, I finally became pregnant with twins in the beginning of 2013.  At the time, I had only been Crossfitting for 4 months.  I continued CrossFitted until my 36th week of pregnancy. I felt great, remained healthy and carried my daughters over 38 weeks.  I truly believe I had such a great pregnancy due to Crossfit and Aimee's guidance throughout!  
-Steph I

CrossFit during and after my first pregnancy was really the best thing I did for myself. While pregnant, I never felt better than when I was working out, and then after I had my son, that hour away was the best for my mental health as a stay at home mom. Now that I am pregnant again, I plan on continuing to CrossFit during and after again. It is a great way to do something healthy for yourself, and it only takes an hour. Aimee has a wealth of knowledge on exercising while pregnant and after and is very attentive to what you can do at any given time. The free babysitting has also been wonderful, as I am now able to go during the day and have my evenings to spend with my family. Crossfit creates a community of moms that is a great place to go to for advice or just to talk about what's going on. I would hands down recommend this program to anyone!
I have always been active. I am a yoga instructor and a pretty avid runner. So crossfit was a natural addition to my repertoire. However, while pregnant it sometimes felt as though I was checking off things that I had to stop doing. Luckily, crossfit was something I maintained throughout my 2nd pregnancy even when other things were diminishing. Moreover, when I returned after having a baby I felt like I could add back to my physical capabilities. Each week my body became more competent and stronger. I also enjoyed how I felt in my body and moving in my body which is so important in the postpartum stage of a woman's life. Lastly, I loved the supportive community that Crossfit KoP has offered. As we become older the chances of us being in a situation where we are consistently cheered for in a group setting is slim to none. It is truly moving to have other adults cheer for each other for working hard. There are so little extrinsic and verbal rewards received in motherhood that feeling supported, seen and routed for by other adults during a WOD is extremely fulfilling. So, it should come as no surprise that I have been crossfitting throughout my 3rd pregnancy and plan to return afterwards!
- Tori

After pregnancy the majority of your time is spent taking care of your child.  The gym is about taking time out of your day for yourself.  I went back to the gym about three weeks postpartum.  The hardest part is remaining patient and knowing that your pre-pregnancy strength and endurance will take some time to return.  It is important to simply take it day by day and focus on the positive.    After a few weeks of working out, you will begin to feel like your old self.  


  1. I will share these program details with other people. thanks for sharing. Moms are suffering from Postpartum depression and many of them need this kind of program as a helping hand.

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