

10 Dumbbell squat cleans, 30/45# 
20 Box Jumps (20/24")
 15 Dumbbell squat cleans, 30/45# 
15 Box Jumps (20/24")
20 Dumbbell squat cleans, 30/45# 
10 Box Jumps (20/24")

Community Notes:
Thanksgiving--Thursday, November 28th, we will run the Amazing Race at 8:00AM.  This will be our third annual amazing race. Friends and Family are welcome this is a FREE class.  There will be teams for this workout, teams will race through Bridgeport with clues at each stop and challenges to accomplish. Please sign up via MindBody. Coaches Aimee, Jason and Steph will be running this WOD. Click here to sign up via MindBody.
"Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to." 
- Henry Van Dyke


  1. Gina S. 8:13 25#/steps
    Brian H. 10:12 35#
    Erika 8:38 25#
    Dinger 9:58 30#
    Roni 8:08 Rx
    Klutch 8:47 Rx
    KT 7:35 Rx
    Kathleen 11:03 25#/steps

    Great Job today guys attacking those difficult DB Cleans....Congrats to KT for winning the GHD Med Ball toss Cash out.

  2. 7am:
    Marc MC 9:47 RX
    Peter Pain 8:30 rx
    Notorious NICK 14:44 45# step ups
    Alex "the assassin"7:42 40# PC
    Special K 11:03 rx

    Great job this am crew! Happy Monday!

  3. 9:30
    Rich 12:08 25#/20"
    Jonathan 8:00 25#/20"
    GiGi 7:38 5#/45plate
    David 9:19 20#/17"
    Ronnie 13:01 20#/13"
    Taryn 11:57 20#/13"
    Aimee 7:42 Rx

    We did a double cash-out, med ball GHD toss and Tabata sit ups!

  4. Brett: 8:23 (40#)
    Taylor: 7:45 (12# 17")
    Ryan S: 8:16 (35#)
    Justin R: 10:55 (40#)
    Ryan B: 6:49 (Rx+ 55#)
    Kyle: 8:04 (Rx)
    Kate C: 5:58 (Rx)
    WW: 6:30 (30# FS)

    Barb: 9:12 (15# 20" SU)
    Beth: 12:48 (12# 20" SU)
    Joe G: 10:32 (15# 20")
    Cris A: 7:10 (Rx)
    Josh: 11:12 (25#)
    Alison: 9:23 (Rx)
    Bob G: 12:56 (25# 17")
    Fran: 8:33 (8# 10")

  5. 5:30

    Patrick 8:38 35
    Agam 8:17 25
    Heather 6:42 25 su
    Jill 6:52 20
    Shawna 7:07 20 su
    Jess S 13:01 20
    Luke 8:06 "SCALE"
    Derreck 10:28 Rx
    Alona 9:52 Rx
    Brandon 8:42 40


    Johnny 10:55 Rx
    Conn 10:15 30
    Rachel 11:14 Rx
    Joe Jr 8:45 35
    Jeremy 13:54 35
    Pablo 14:00 35
    Lauren 10:29 25
    Dave N 12:57 Rx
    Stephanie 12:17 20
    Mike C 11:58 25
