

welcome to our visitors Emily and Kyle!

 What are these?? Name the bird?
CFE post WOD stretch!

"The Dirty Little Secret"
For time:
400 Meter Run
30 Thrusters (75/115#)
30 Knees to Elbows
30 Pistols (15R/15L alternating)
30 Burpees
30 WallBalls (14/20# to 9-10ft)
30 Box Jumps (20/21"-24/25")
400 Meter Run

Community Notes:
Did you know we offer an Advanced Teens class on Wednesday and Friday at 3:30PM! Tell a friend or teen you know!

Irony is the gaiety of reflection and the joy of wisdom. 
-Anatole France


  1. 6am:
    KT 19:03 rx
    Nora 23:25 scale
    Klutch 21:27 pistol scale
    Rachel 26:10 scale
    Joe G. 26:15 scale
    Mike C 27:20 scale

    Peter 20:45 50#db
    Alex 18:39 75#/14#

    Have a great day everyone!!!

  2. 9:30

    Emily 15:55 rx
    Kyle 14:02 rx
    Susan 22:00 sc
    Kim C 22:22 sc
    David 20:52 sc
    Aimee 26:07 rx
    Nick 18:03 sc
    Fran 20:44 sc
    Ronnie 22:45 sc
    Jill 22:44 sc
    Jonathan 18:59 sc
    Mark 22:21 sc
    Sue 24:28 sc
    JNA 23:42 sc
    Kara 21:56 sc
    GG 21:05 sc
    Cate 19:09 rx

  3. 9:30

    Emily 15:55 rx
    Kyle 14:02 rx
    Susan 22:00 sc
    Kim C 22:22 sc
    David 20:52 sc
    Aimee 26:07 rx
    Nick 18:03 sc
    Fran 20:44 sc
    Ronnie 22:45 sc
    Jill 22:44 sc
    Jonathan 18:59 sc
    Mark 22:21 sc
    Sue 24:28 sc
    JNA 23:42 sc
    Kara 21:56 sc
    GG 21:05 sc
    Cate 19:09 rx

  4. Nooners:
    Cris 21:33 Rx
    Byrnsie 21:18 Rx
    Tori 24:03 53#
    Jessie 23:07

  5. For the track workout tonight we took it off road again, but this time on the large grass fields. The workout was a series of 90/60/30sec runs, with a jogging rest in-between each interval, and a walking rest in between sets.

    Laura P
    Kate C
    Sam B
    Jess C

    Very sweaty work!

  6. 4:30

    Nick C 26:14 pistol scale
    Ryan B 24:52 Rx
    Agam 23:38 65 scale
    Wood 25:51 scale
    Roman 20:00 95 scale
    Joe C 95 scale


    Bre 21:41 scale
    Mark B 21:18 scale
    Tobin 19:34 Rx
    Calves 21:19 kte ROM
    Matt B 21:56 pistol scale
