

5 Rounds for time of:
5 Shoulder to Overhead (125/185#)
30 Double Unders

Coaches notes:
The bar should come from the ground unless the athlete is a newer athlete.

"The determination to win is the better part of winning."
-Daisaku Ikeda


  1. 6am:

    KT 6:22 115#
    Dinger 11:50 105# SU
    Jen K 9:24 70#
    Kim G 7:52 83# SU
    Alona 13:49 85#
    Oleg 8:58 155# SU
    Gina 8:55# 85#
    Becca 8:25 75# SU
    Justin R 10:07 rx
    Roni 8:55 90#
    Peter 9:16 155#
    Mike S 14:01 95#

    Great job today everyone!!!!

  2. Fugo 7:21 #53 SU
    Susan 8:58 #95
    Lee 10:39 #75 SU
    Roni Oops #53 SU
    Sue L 7:03 #70 Su
    Rachael 5:56 SC
    Nick Z 4:42 SC

  3. 7:30

    Steph C 5:41 SU/55#
    Seshu 7:06 SU/85#

  4. 4:30
    Ryan B 6:49 225#
    Lauren G 7:55 35#
    Nicole F 7:35 53#
    Kate F :) 45#
    Brian R 7:12 155# su
    WW 8:40 135#
    Joe C 6:15 135#
    Regi 6:36 65# su
    Rob Ph 5:59 165# su
    Joy 8:58 85#
    Jessi 7:30 73# su
    Sharon 12:something 115#

    TP 3;51 115#
    LP 8:32 115#
    Derreck 10:26 rx
    Shawn 9:15 65# su
    Anne 8:13 65# su
    Fayth 7:42 63# su
    Al Z 5:28 115# su
    Deedee 7:56 95#
    Jess S 7;46 65# su
    Mark B 7:15 135# su
    Kevin Y 6:54 165#
    Tim H 10:47 115# su

    Faby 7:48 Rx
    Heather 7:36 95# su
    Kelly 8:55 80#
    Dave (CT) 9:52 155# su (backwards)
    Tracy 10:37 85# su
    Conn 7:20 95#
    Borden 9:15 155#
    Lizzie 6:10 55#
    Erika 9:30 65# su
    Johnny 8:11 Rx
    Tom C 9:18 115# su

    Welcome to Dave from CT who jumped rope BACKWARDS. Also, one of the best finishes came from Shawna, who was struggling with the first sets of s2o's and then strung the last 5. Awesome!
