

 log roll warm up!
Fugo overhead!

Take 20 minutes to find your
3 RM shoulder to over head...the bar must be taken from the ground

Your choice
3 sets of 10:
Reverse Hyper
GHD Sit Up
Hip Extension
Back Extension
or Hip/Back Extension

“To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them.”
– Picabo Street


  1. Roni 100
    Nora Form
    Klutch 185
    Cris 175
    Erika 105
    Becca 90

  2. 7am:
    Peter 165
    Nick 175 2@ 195
    Mark C. 175

    BIG Happy Birthday to Mark C.!!! Enjoy your day:)

  3. 9:30Am - BAC
    Aimee 133
    Jen F 60
    Tim H 160
    Chip 235
    Susan 105
    Chris T 88
    Mom 45
    Jill 90
    Nick 155
    Liza 55
    Diane 150
    Alison 152.5
    Kara 88
    Gina 100
    Jonathan 165
    Sue 90
    David 135

    great job 9:30 crew...remember to stay on your heels and keep the bar in the rack position...don't let those elbows drop!

  4. 6:30

    VInny 245
    Johnny 195
    Sam él formé
    Brett 195
    Pablo 113
    Borden 165
    Conn 195
    Stephanie 75
    Dave N 175
    Jeremy 145
    Matt B 185
    Seshu 115

    Nice work tonight! Shout out to Stephanie Curson. She hit a nice PR with a 90 lb clean!

  5. Roman: 165
    Brian R: 195
    Justin: 200
    Taylor: 55
    JNa: 95
    Anne B: 40
    Keith: 225

  6. 5:30pm
    Oleg 70DB
    Shawna 70
    Agam 135
    Kate C. 150
    Derreck 205
    Jill 85
    Travis 155
