

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes as you can of:
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Kettlebell Swings 55/70#

Rope Climb
Muscle up

Community Notes:
Today's classes will be held at the Annex 110 C, Dekalb Street. Please park and meet at the Annex.

“Leadership, like coaching, is fighting for the hearts and souls of men and getting them to believe in you.”
– Eddie Robinson

1 comment:

  1. 9AM

    Kevin 8 SC 36#/SB
    Natalia 13 ?/SB
    Allison 11 SB/26#
    Rebecca 10 SB/53#


    Megs 9 80# Russian (yknow cause its like 1/2 her body weight!)
    Arin 10 plate/44#
    Sharon 5 SB/44#
    Kathleen 10SB/44#
    Mark C 9 RX ROM
    Seshu 11 SB/35#
    Erika Rx
    Brandon 8 Sc/53#
    Mike C 11 SB/53#
    Tom C 12 SB/53#
    Dave 11 SB/53#
    Patrick 10 RX

    NIce work gang on prcticing going upside down. Its a little strange at first- but like anything else the more you do it the bettr you get!

    Shout out to Megs for swinging a bell the is more than 1/2 her weight!!
