

knees out!!
stand tall!


Cash out:
AMRAP in 5 Minutes
5 Deadlifts @ 70% of your new 3 RM
20 steps--Weighted Walking Lunge 35/55# Dumbells

"The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready."
-Henry David Thoreau


  1. 6am

    Erika 205
    Justin R 315
    Jen K 155
    Lauren M 205

  2. Lauren 113, 3
    Nicole 153, 3+16
    Samson 275, 3+13
    Jill 200PR, 3
    Fran 113, 3+4
    Rich 235, 2+5
    Sue L. 175PR, 2+3
    Susan 185PR, 3+8
    Kara 103, 3
    Christ 103, 3
    Joe G. 285, 3+8
    Mischa (CF Love) 185, 3+9
    Chip 385, 2+15
    Nick Z. 285, 3+5
    Jonathan 285, 3+5

    Welcome to Mischa from CF Love. Good Job to all!!

  3. Anne 205PR, 2+15
    Seshu 250PR, 2+20
    Brett 315PR 2+20
    Tom 305PR, 3
    Fayth 185PR, 2+15
    Shannon 225PR, 3
    Arieanne 165PR, 2+15
    Taryn 215PR, 2
    Jaime 175, 3
    Stasie 195, 2+7
    Jackie 255, 2+24
    Linda 155, 2+15
    Matt Mc 405 3+15
    Steph 155, 3

    Great Job tonight. Brett.... You will get Tom in the race next time.

    1. Thanks Paul. I completely choked in the last heat.

      My AMRAP was 2+5, not 20.

  4. 5:30

    Laura 215, 3
    Jill 165, 2+10
    Heather 225, 3+4
    Agam 215, 2+5
    Luke 335PR, 2+22


    Matt B 345, 2+7
    Tracy O 185, 3+1
    Kelly G 185PR!!!! 2+3
    John Mc 295, 2+8
    Dave N 305, 2+7
    Rob D 245, 2+5

    Kelly Griffin with a huge PR!!! 185 was her previous 1RM. She really focused on keeping her knees stacked over the ankle and hamstring engaged. Nice work tonight!

  5. Joy 210 (2+19) 25#
    Jen S 230 (3+3) 35#
    Roman 325 (3) ?
    Tobin 385 (3+1) 55#
    Kathleen 140 (2+12) ?
    Anne B 135 (3+3) 20#
    Ryan 415 (3+1) 55#
    Travis 235 (3+18) 35#
    Joe C 325 (3+1) 45#
    Kyle 325 (3+10) 50#
    WW 265
