


And Nicole... nice name tag!

AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
5 Power Snatch 65/95#
10 Overhead Squats 65/95#
10 Toes to Bar

Community Notes:
We are running the "Beat the Streets' fundraiser on Saturday the 21st at the 9AM and 10 AM classes.   This WOD and fundraiser benefits our Steve's Club program and at risk youth.  This counts as a regular class for members...family, friends and kids are welcome. Click here for more details.

Tori is running a YOGA class at 11:30 AM on Saturday the 21st in the Annex. 
Click here to sign up for 9/21 and click here to register for the 10/19 Yoga class. This counts as a regular class.

Are you starting the nutrition challenge today? Who's in?  Post to comments or to the CFKoP Members page on FaceBook...we are here to help you along!

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” 
-Bobby Knight


  1. No worries if you missed the intro session for the Nutrition Challenge, you can still join. I posted the file in the FB Group, can't post it to the blog (sorry!).

    We are following Whole 9's Whole 30 guideline. If you want to do a food journal, and I recommend you do, I'm happy to help you review it. It's not required.

    We'll have a midpoint meeting on Tuesday Sept 24th at 6:30pm at the Annex. Feel free to join in then, and bring your questions and ideas. In the meantime use Blog and FB and check out the Whole 9's site for more information. They should have an answer for most of your questions!

  2. 6am
    Gina 7+9 Form
    Mike S. 5+14 53#/ROM
    Roni 7+1 Rx
    Brain H. 7 45#/ROM
    Cris A. 7+5 Rx
    KT 9+11 Rx
    Andrea B. 8+14 Rx
    Kate C. 9 Rx
    Dinger 6 53#/ROM
    Klutch 7 Rx
    Ryan 7+4 Rx

    Nick C. 6+3 Rx
    Mark C. 7+21 Rx
    Chip 6+9 Rx
    Pete W. 7+15 Rx
    Mike C. 6+15 65#/ROM

  3. Sorry Mike T, my score was 8+4, not 8+14.

  4. Dirty 9:30
    David 7 +5 40#
    Killa 7 + 2 Rx
    Mom 9 + 1 22#
    Barb 8 + 15 35#
    Susan 6 + 18 35#
    Nick 12 BS/KBS/AB
    Jonathan 9 35#
    Kara 7 35#
    Chris T 7 35#
    Diane 9 + 15 65#
    Sue 7 35#
    Beth :)
    Dianne L 6 +1 15#

  5. 5:30
    Megs 9 Rx
    Denise 5+12 Rx
    LP 10+15 Rx
    Oleg 8+7 Rx
    Jill C. 6+20 40/rom
    Jill H. 8+1 35/rom
    Jason 6+1 110/PVC
    Agam 6+18 65

    Dave 5 Rx
    Conn 6 75#
    Derreck 6+12 Rx
    Matt B. 6+5 Rx
    Kelly 8+1 35/scale
    Steph 6+10 35
    Alona 8 55#
    Johnny 7+21 Rx
    Brett 7+8 Rx
    Jen 7+14 Rx
    Al V. 8 Rx
    Seshu 6+5 65#

  6. 3:30- I vow to get your names right!!! Welcome to Lauren and Nicole!

    John 5+3 (75)
    Alex 6 + 20 (75)
    Ed 7 + 5 (45)
    Justin R 5 + 12 (scale)
    Rob Ph. 8 (scale)95#
    Lauren 9 (scale) 15#
    Nicole 9 (scale) 15#

    4:30 - Jason's Class
    Regi 8 +10 (55 scale)
    Shawn 6+18 (Rx)
    Aim 8 + 19 (Rx)
    Kathleen 6 + 15 (35 scale)
    Tom 5 + 23 (65#)
    WW 7 (65 scale)
    Arin 6 + 22 (55)
    Travis 7 + 17 (65)
    Kyle 7 + 7 (75)
    Sharon 5 + 20 scale (33)
