
Athlete of the Month

Barb Zeiss

Hometown: Cresson, PA

Current Location: KoP

Age: 42

Occupation: Benefits Administrator – SEIU Health and Welfare Fund

College: Lock Haven (undergrad) and Edinboro (grad)

How long have you been a CrossFitter?
2 years this month! I had just moved to the area and Googled “personal training KoP” and ta-da - I found CrossFit! I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into and I’ve never looked back.

Did you ever play sports?
I played basketball from elementary through high school. Enjoyed it but was definitely not a recruit candidate!

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit.
I celebrate it all! Seriously – it’s been so cool to either “get” a movement (pull-ups, rope climb) or feel confident with my form and weight on a lift. For about the first six months of Crossfit, I’d look at a WOD and I’d have to Google some part of the WOD to find out what it was. I remember how thrilled I was when I could finally start looking at a WOD and know what it was! Then about a year later I was equally thrilled to look at a WOD and know that I could actually do the whole thing! Showing up, completing each WOD and the awesome feeling I have afterwards is the greatest achievement of all for me.

What do you feel that you still need to work on?
All of it! I’m in Crossfit for the long haul and just want to keep getting stronger with good form (my squat with heavier weight is awful), improve my body weight movements (string pull-ups, get comfortable going upside down for hspu, ring dips), not stop to walk during running portions of the workout, and complete each WOD with minimal breaks. I view this as a life journey. If I stay healthy and injury free I might just make it to the games when I’m 85! LOL!

What's your favorite WOD?
 I like anything with “programmed” rest. It’s a mental thing for me. Fight Gone Bad, Tabata anything, and Death by whatever are some of my favorites.

How about your favorite food/snacks?
I simply cannot live without ice cream! I plan my cheat meals according to Zwahalen’s flavor of the day calendar. (true story)

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done?
Crazy workouts are not in my repertoire. I have recently discovered Sky Zone and LOVE it & I took a trapeze class in Las Vegas this past spring – would definitely do that again! I think an obstacle course race would be fun to try.

What’s your least favorite WOD?
I’m not crazy about chippers but always feel great after completing them. Also, I detest Karen.

Favorite lift/movement?
I LOVE med ball slams. It’s just an anger release and stress relieving movement for me.

What’s your least favorite lift/movement?
Definitely wall balls. I’m not crazy about overhead squats because I can’t seem to keep my knees from caving in. I’m trying to embrace this movement – works sometimes, other times I just want it to be over!

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"?
I don’t own a single piece of “gear”. However, I’ve developed an affinity for Lulu.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF?
My level of strength. Working with Aimee individually has be a major help for me in developing my form and confidence when picking up a bar.

Who is your favorite coach?
Aimee - she’s changed my life! Her coaching is extraordinary – she teaches each movement/lift with perfect explanations, details, examples, has spot on cues, easily sees what needs to be corrected, and has the right balance of pushing me further or supporting me where I am. For the past two years I’ve done private sessions with her and took most of her classes. Her coaching, support & guidance has lead me to fall in love with Crossfit! She taught me the Zone diet in nutritional counseling which has changed my body composition and my whole family’s way of eating. I’m a better person physically & emotionally because of Aimee and I will truly always be grateful!

Crossfit KoP is my happy place! I love everything about it and aside from all of the physical and mental benefits. - I’ve made some super awesome friends (shout out to the Dirty 9:30!!) It’s also so been exciting to expose Crossfit to my 5 year old daughter, Sheridan. She loves to go to the kids’ class and its super cool that burpees, push-ups and squats are what she now considers exercise. I look forward to us WODing with her the future!! Thanks for the honor of choosing me at the ATOM .


  1. Congratulations Barb!! This is a well deserved honor for you and I'm so happy to be a part of the dirty 9:30 with you!

  2. Barb, congratulations! You are one strong mama!!! xoxo

  3. Yay, Barb! Congratulations on AOTM.

  4. Yayyyy Barb! One of my favorite ladies around. You deserve it. Keep up the hard work!!!!

  5. I always saw you training with Aimee over the winter and had the opportunity to coach you during the Hambergeasa WOD a few months ago and saw the payoff of the pt's with Aimee. You definitely earned the title AOTM, keep up the hard work and more importantly keep having fun! Congratulations!

  6. Congrats Barb. This is a great honor and a great way to recognize your progress. In addition, to get Paul to say something nice is quite an accomplishment! Nice job!

  7. thanks for the nice shout Barb..just doing what I love and sharing how I live :) Keep training hard!

  8. Barb, you rock!!!! Congrats to you! I always love when I could make it to a 930 to see you. Keep up all the hard work!!

  9. Congratulations Barb!!!!!! You are one cool person, mom, and strong athlete! Keep up the good work!!!

  10. Congrats, Barb!!!! So cool to watch you train :) I'm glad I got to read more about you and why you love coming to the box.

  11. Congrats Barb!!! I always enjoy being in class with you on those occassions I make it to the 9:30. Keep up the awesome work!!!
