

AMRAP in 30 minutes of:
30 Calorie Row
10 DB Snatch Right Arm  25#/35#
10 DB Overhead Lunge Right Arm
10 DB Snatch Left Arm 
10 DB Overhead Lungs Left Arm

"Flaming enthusiasm backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success."
-Dale Carnegie

John M 309 30#
Peterson 438 25#
Manisha 261 10#
Nora 409 15#
Jill 309 10#
Erika 433 20#
Maria 420 20#
Dave 352 Rx
Tracy 340 15#
Shawna 210 8#
Alona 358 Rx
Jess C 399 Rx
Diane 293 Rx+ 35
Megs 415 Rx
Rich 282 15#


  1. How do you want us to remove the lungs? Surgically or any way possible?

  2. 9 and 10am

    total reps completed
    1 calorie = 1 rep.

    John M 309 30#
    Peterson 438 25#
    Manisha 261 10#
    Nora 409 15#
    Jill 309 10#
    Erika 433 20#
    Maria 420 20#

    Dave 352 Rx
    Tracy 340 15#
    Shawna 210 8#
    Alona 358 Rx
    Jess C 399 Rx
    Diane 293 Rx+ 35
    Megs 415 Rx
    Rich 282 15#
