

For time complete:
75/55 pound Back squat, 50 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
75/55 pound Back squat, 40 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents
75/55 pound Back squat, 30 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
75/55 pound Back squat, 20 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
75/55 pound Back squat, 10 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent

"Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy."
-Sir Isaac Newton

Dayna 17:09 scale
Keith 15:35 rx
Kim G 18:51 scale
KT 17:36 rx
Chris F 19:03 scale
Rebecca 20:23 45# 7 climbs
Jen K 15:49 scale
Tropical Pete 13:51 rx
Lisa C 18:04 scale
Mike P 13:05 rx
Mike S 25:28 scale weight full climb
Dianne 1/2 reps 18:10
Kathleen 16:40 scale
Nora 17:38 scale
Lauren 17:08 scale
Chip 24:02 RX
Jim 16:03 RX
Tobin 14:13 RX
Kayla 19:57 SC
Christina 20:00 SC
Fayth 24:56 SC
Anne B. 21:10 SC
Steph C 25:20 SC
Sandy 21:28 #55 RP
Beth 22:31 SC
Joy 14:03 SC
Jonathan 16:05 SC
Jessie 19:09 SC
Sam M. 25:15 RX
Mike C. (1st Class) 33:15 SC
LP 15:05 RX
Manisha 23:05 SC
Bre 22:10 scale 55#
Dave 22:32 scale 75#
Gavin 26:44 55# full rope climbs - 1st time rope climber!
Taryn 27:00timecap scale 45#
Seshu 24:01 scale 35#
Sandeep 25:12 scale/rp
Shawna 19:30 15 rom/rp
Oleg 23:49 rp
Sarah J 19:50 rp/scale
Patrick 23:58 Rx
Brian R. 27:46 cargo Rx
Ken 13:35 scale
Vinny 14:21 Rx
Kate C 21:42 Rx
Hector ouchie
Melissa S 23:46 35#
Kevin 28:39 scale
Jess C 22:20 Rx
Pablo 26:18 53#
Erika 17:38 45/rp
Nick C 25:49 Rx
Johnny 23:18 Rx
Albert "lost track"
Ryan P 27:37 scale
Tom 22:40 (1st Rx)
Megs 22:48 (mix pulls)
JZ 21:12 (Rx)
Kyle 18:06 (Rx)
PH 17:01 (pulls)
Becky 24:21 (Rx)


  1. Early Risers!

    Dayna 17:09 scale
    Keith 15:35 rx
    Kim G 18:51 scale
    KT 17:36 rx
    Chris F 19:03 scale
    Rebecca 20:23 45# 7 climbs
    Jen K 15:49 scale
    Tropical Pete 13:51 rx
    Lisa C 18:04 scale
    Mike P 13:05 rx
    Mike S 25:28 scale weight full climb
    Dianne 1/2 reps 18:10
    Kathleen 16:40 scale
    Nora 17:38 scale
    Lauren 17:08 scale

    Great job today everyone! Have a safe and happy holiday!

  2. This is such an awesome WOD!!

  3. Chip 24:02 RX
    Jim 16:03 RX
    Tobin 14:13 RX
    Kayla 19:57 SC
    Christina 20:00 SC
    Fayth 24:56 SC
    Anne B. 21:10 SC
    Steph C 25:20 SC
    Sandy 21:28 #55 RP
    Beth 22:31 SC
    Joy 14:03 SC
    Jonathan 16:05 SC
    Jessie 19:09 SC
    King OUCHIE!
    Sam M. 25:15 RX
    Mike C. (1st Class) 33:15 SC
    LP 15:05 RX
    Manisha 23:05 SC

    Welcome to Mike C!!! Very humid in the box today, good job to all!

  4. Mike C - you killed it today - nice job not stopping. Welcome to crossfit. I can tell you have a great attitude and will not give up - awesome!

  5. 7:30pm
    Bre 22:10 scale 55#
    Dave 22:32 scale 75#
    Gavin 26:44 55# full rope climbs - 1st time rope climber!
    Taryn 27:00timecap scale 45#
    Seshu 24:01 scale 35#

    Remember to take rest days - they are important - so take this weekend to rest! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm new to this but I accidentally deleted my post..

    I would like to thank Chris P, Paul, and Vinny for helping me out after I rolled my ankle. I was telling a friend about the camaraderie in Crossfit and today was a perfect example of that. From the beginning of class with everyone introducing themselves, through the encouragement during the WOD, and you guys going out of your way to help me out. I'm going to hobble around the beach for a few days and hope to back in action on Monday. Happy 4th of July to everyone!

  8. 5:30
    Sandeep 25:12 scale/rp
    Shawna 19:30 15 rom/rp
    Oleg 23:49 rp
    Sarah J 19:50 rp/scale
    Patrick 23:58 Rx
    Brian R. 27:46 cargo Rx

    Ken 13:35 scale
    Vinny 14:21 Rx
    Kate C 21:42 Rx
    Hector ouchie
    Melissa S 23:46 35#
    Kevin 28:39 scale
    Jess C 22:20 Rx
    Pablo 26:18 53#
    Erika 17:38 45/rp
    Nick C 25:49 Rx
    Johnny 23:18 Rx
    Albert "lost track"
    Ryan P 27:37 scale

    tough one with the lungs and legs going on the squats and the shoulders with the pulls/climbs...and oh yeah, swimming through the humidity! Nice job folks!


    Great job today bud, rest up that ankle man you'll be back before you know it.


  10. Hector - sorry about your ankle...hope it recovers quickly!
