

Back Squat


Weighted Push-up

"When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence, excellence becomes a reality."
-Joe Paterno


  1. Back Squat#, weighted pushup#

    Jen K 115, 25 #
    Lauren M 155, 40
    Matt R 230, 135
    Kim G 110, 45
    Kathleen 105, 45
    Becca 125, 20
    Gina 145, 20
    Roni 145, 25
    King 225, 90
    Wax 245, 170

  2. 9:30
    Beth 90
    Barb 100/95
    Sue 105/40
    Steph C. 105/55
    Manisha 65
    Diane 250 PR!!
    Chip 305/175
    David C. 150/90
    Joy 130/45
    Jonathan 245(PR!)/135
    Jesssss 120/60
    Jill 103 (PR!!)/30

  3. tomorrow 5:30pm at the track workout:

    Night 2/2 of the races!

    400m Timed Run
    200m Timed Sprint
    100m Timed Sprint

    I will also build in rest intervals for active recovery, and to complete the conditioning.

    It is known that sprinting at an all out effort, has huge returns on both the cardiovascular system, and overall health. The benefits have been proven over and over again. There is not other single way to bust open the chest, and build that lung capacity by doing intervals of sprinting.

  4. Noon:

    Sam M 230 / 130
    Rinat 205 PR! / 125
    Justin H 295 PR! / 135
    Bri 105 PR! / form
    Travis 215 PR! / 70
    Pam 140 / 55
    Al V 315 / 125


    Becky 95 / 30
    Bre 125 / 35
    Taryn 115 / form
    Marni form
    Bridget 105 / form

  5. 5:30
    Ryan B 365/235 (5# less than Beth)
    Tim H 247.5/70
    Bill 185/115
    Mike C 195 PR/75
    Ryan S 205/80
    Kelly 115/form
    Shawna 85/form
    Jill C 115/form
    Megs 165 PR/45
    Matt 275/105

    Johnny 255/145
    Dave 205/85
    Jason 225/145
    Mel 125/70 :-)
    Borden 275/90
    Conn 185/115
    Al 275 form/237.5 (2.5# more than Ryan, but 2.5# less than Beth)

  6. I would like to acknowledge that this was Big Al's last workout at KoP. His work has ended up north and he'll be staying down in Austin. Fittingly he had a massive weighted push up and went out in a blaze of glory.

    Sandy has also moved up to Boston, but I'm not sure when her last class was. Hopefully she'll stop in on weekends if she's visiting!

  7. 7:30pm
    Tara 95# / form
    Rachael 120 / 20
    Seshu 165 PR! / 50
    Alona 125 / 27.5
    Jody 145 / 60

    Welcome back Rachael! It's so good to see your smiling face!

  8. Big Al!!!! You will be missed!! Good luck with everything!

    Sandy! I hope to see you one weekend! Good luck in Boston!

  9. Some of us in class today used boxes - this is a good tactile cue to give you a ROM point as you progress towards breaking parallel with good form. It is also good to use when teaching the body to lead the squat with your hamstrings and keeping your knees out and learning to eliminate the "butt wink"
