

From the 2013 CrossFit Games:
The Sprint Chipper
For time
21 MedBall GHD Sit-ups
15 Snatch (165/100lbs)
9 Wall Burpees (6/8 ft)

Coaches Notes:
Modifications and scaling can be as follows; for the MedBall GHD Situp use no weight or floor.  Snatch weight can be lowered and burpees could be done on the floor.
"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. 6am
    Gina S. 5:15 (GHD, 55#, box)
    Paul 9:40 (95#)
    Becca 9:28 (GHD, 65#, box)
    Roni 9:35 (10#GHD, 65#)
    Cris A. 9:44(115#)
    Pat P. 14:12 Sc
    Erika 8:00 Sc
    Wax 7:42 (115#)
    KT 9:36 (85#)
    Ellie 11:18 (GHD, 55#)
    Mike S. 10:44 (GHD, 75#, 8ft/6ft)

    Scales noted - GHD (no med ball), Snatch weight, wall height

    Everyone in the 6 am used the GHD and got over the walls on the burpee walls. Great effort this morning!!

  2. 7am:

    Dayna 4:53 scale 35# burpee pull ups
    King 7:10 115# 8ft
    Mark 6:25 115# wall 6ft
    Nick 7:38 form 8ft wall
    Nora 4:59 scale 35# burpee pull ups
    Pete 6:43 115# 8ft wall
    Alex 4:13 75#

    I had the 7 am class sub the movements by doing burpee pullups and wall ball toss situps.

  3. 9:30am
    Dave 5:46 65,MBSU
    David(ca) 3:53 MBSU, 135,BBJ
    Diane 4:08 MBSU, 83, BBJ
    Susan 4:05 55, sc
    Tony 6:50 GHD
    Kara 5:18 MBSU,53,BBJ
    Steph C 5:22 35
    Fayth 5:12 GHD, 55, bbj
    anne 5:52 mbsu, 45, bbj
    sue 6:45 45
    Manisha 4:31 Mommascale
    Aimee 6:15 GHDROM, 65
    Barb 4:12 4:12, 8, BBJ
    Alison K :) GHD, 65, BBJ
    Jonathan 5:50 65, 15

    John m 10:31 ghd, 75, 6'
    Jill G (1st class!) 3:35 MBSU, 25, bbj
    Marni 4:04 GHD, 35, BBJ
    Al V 4:55 20, 100
    Katherine G. 3:39 MBSU, 15, BBJ
    Bre 6:56 MBSU, 65
    Sharon 9:20 10, 65

  4. 4:30pm
    Tracy 6:30 8#/45#
    Dave 7:09 6"SU/115#
    Rob Ph. 6:08 6#/115#
    Wood 9:21 Sc
    Joe P. 7:35 10#/85#
    Joe C. 7:45 GHD/115#

    Sam M. 7:44 115#
    Ryan 5:39 BJ over 30"
    Kate C 8:00Rx
    Sarah 9:51 scale
    Mark 8:05 scale
    Brian 6:20 115#
    Denise 10:40 75#
    Megs 10:28 75#
    Bob 10:36 75#
    Mike 11:30 95#
    Patrick 7:05 135#
    Tom 8:28 85#
    Shawn 9:25 115#
    Heather 8:11 scale
    Jill 9:16 scale 35#
    Melinda 9:45 scale 45#

    Calves 7:54 105#/WBSU
    George 5:50 75#/GHD
    Tidmore 7:14 95#
    Bordon 9:54 135#/GHD
    Miranda 7:04 65#/BJ over
    Killa 6:41 GHD
    Kevin 8:03 135#
    Kelly 5:35 45#/WBSU
    Shannon 6:52 45#/box/GHD
    Justin 6:10 135# BJ over
    Conn 9:43 95#
    D-Man 9:15 135#
    Al 14:51 135#/GHD

  5. Amazing job tonight during strength class...2 PRs!
    Ry-Bread 355# Clean
    Kate K. 170 Jerk

