

5 Rounds for time of:
1 Rope climb 20 ft
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Pistols


5 Rounds for time of:
1 L-sit Rope climb 15ft
5 Paralette Handstand Push-ups (use a 5"deficit for lades and a 7' for men)
10 OH Pistols 33/45#

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held at the Annex (110C Dekalb Street)

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."
 ~Dalai Lama

Intermediate WOD unless otherwise noted.
Klutch 8:29 rom pistols
Kristin T 8:49 Rx
Becca N 10:30 Scaled
Wax 8:19 Rx
Alona 10:15 pistolscale
Gina 10:15 bluebnd/abmat/RPulls
Oleg 9:53 scaled
Brian R 10:44 cargonet
Peter 13:24 pistolscale
Keith B 13:45 3rounds advanced, 2 rounds int.
Rinat 15:18 (leg less rope climbs)
Dave 8:44 sc
Susan 12:56 sc
Fayth 10:31 sc
Steph 11:38 sc
Sue 13:32 sc
Barb 14:21 sc
Chris T 8:45 sc
Smizzy 14:06 cargo/pst scale
Gavin 12:40 Rx int
Roman 11:24 blue
WW 16:03 scale
Rob Ph. 10:27 scale
Sharon 14:54 scale
Bill 15:35 pst rom
Joe P. 10:22 scale
Patrick 9:33 pst 2 box
Justin 7:57 Rx int
Denise 11:47 scale
Erika 12:57 scale
Mike C. 13:27 scale
Jess S. 12:03 scale


  1. 6/7am

    Intermediate WOD unless otherwise noted.
    Klutch 8:29 rom pistols
    Kristin T 8:49 Rx
    Becca N 10:30 Scaled
    Wax 8:19 Rx
    Alona 10:15 pistolscale
    Gina 10:15 bluebnd/abmat/RPulls
    Oleg 9:53 scaled
    Brian R 10:44 cargonet
    Peter 13:24 pistolscale
    Keith B 13:45 3rounds advanced, 2 rounds int.

  2. FYI

    CrossFit Endurance Track workout is ON at 5:30pm at the Upper Merion HS track. At that time it will be more steamy than a dollar store romance novel, and the track will be close to 100degrees, so these days keep hydration at mind and stay on top of it.

    Coach Tim

  3. This nearly killed me, nice one!

  4. 9:30 results:

    Rinat 15:18 (leg less rope climbs)
    Dave 8:44 sc
    Susan 12:56 sc
    Fayth 10:31 sc
    Steph 11:38 sc
    Sue 13:32 sc
    Barb 14:21 sc
    Chris T 8:45 sc

    nice work everyone!

  5. Crossfit Endurance Track Workout

    Nice work in the heat, we did some good heat conditioning today. Great job on working through it and not whining. For future weeks we'll incorporate the 400/800/Mile so you can get on the record board, keep in mind you should you should mark that it was at the track - which will be faster than at the box.

    Warm Up - 7 min jog/interval sprints (like tabatas)
    6 - 8 x 200m
    Cool Down

    Sam B
    Jim C
    Kyle W
    Kate C
    Jess C

  6. Crossfit Endurance Track Workout

    Nice work in the heat, we did some good heat conditioning today. Great job on working through it and not whining. For future weeks we'll incorporate the 400/800/Mile so you can get on the record board, keep in mind you should you should mark that it was at the track - which will be faster than at the box.

    Warm Up - 7 min jog/interval sprints (like tabatas)
    6 - 8 x 200m
    Cool Down

    Sam B
    Jim C
    Kyle W
    Kate C
    Jess C

  7. 4:30 pm
    Smizzy 14:06 cargo/pst scale
    Gavin 12:40 Rx int
    Roman 11:24 blue
    WW 16:03 scale
    Rob Ph. 10:27 scale
    Sharon 14:54 scale
    Bill 15:35 pst rom

    5:30 pm
    Joe P. 10:22 scale
    Patrick 9:33 pst 2 box
    Justin 7:57 Rx int
    Denise 11:47 scale
    Erika 12:57 scale
    Mike C. 13:27 scale
    Jess S. 12:03 scale
