


AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
5 deadlifts at 80% of your 5 RM
10 Box Jumps 24/30"


"Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, be fortified by it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it."
 - Herman Hesse

Ryan S: 275, 4
JK 133, 3(20)
Seshu 170, 4
Kiesha 143, 4(20)
Mike S 205, 3
Klutch 255, 4
Justin R 265, 5
Nick T 235,5
Nick C 325PR, 3
Peter 325PR, 5
Chip 415PR, 4
Mark C 285PR, 5
LP 205PR(old1RM!), 7
Kathleen 150, 5
Oleg 335PR, 4(24SU)
Sam M 285, 7
Riley 145, 5
Rye 435, 5
Jill H 165PR, 4
Jim C 360PR, 3
Peterson 355PR, 5
Joe G. 235, 4(24)
Becky 190PR, 6
Allison(erie) 155, 6
Sharon 245, 3
Joe C, 315PR, 5
Tracy 133, 6(20)
Andrea 225, 4(21SU)
Anne 185PR, 5 (13+)
Fayth 175PR, 6(17)
Jill C 140, 6
Rinat 275, 6
Aimee 270 PR! (6-sc)
Diane 245 (5)
David 155 (4)
Fran 115PR (6)
Kara 155 (5)
Beth 85 (7)
BJ 325PR!! (5)
Sandy 145 (6)
Mel 195PR!! (5)
Orlando Form (5)
Patrick 345PR!! (5)
Nick T 124 (5)
Stephanie C. 115PR!!(5)
Ryan 205 (5)
Shannon 150PR!! (5)
Greg E 195 (5)
Kwon 245 (5)


  1. So it case you missed it yesterday, AGT won the vote between what would you rather watch, AGT or hockey. Just sayin'

  2. This is just a reminder: Sunday's Mobility Class at 12pm will be mostly information to lay foundation and general understanding. The pain and suffering...errr...actual physical work will happen in the classes that follow next week. Have a happy Friday!

  3. Jason, I didn't see the comments yesterday but absolutely hockey! How could you not love a triple OT game?!? And I believe when you polled the class on Wednesday hockey won by a landslide!

    Gene - if we can't make Sunday are we still able to come to the other sessions?

  4. Well those people seem to not read the blog so can you really trust their opinion? I think not.

  5. Vinny said..

    Jason, of course you hate hockey, you used to play soccer. You'd have to give me a shot of a downer to get me to sit and watch that paint drying event. (no offense Plentus)

  6. Footy gets no love from Vin today. Damn. Hockey over AGT.

  7. 6am
    JK 133, 3(20)
    Seshu 170, 4
    Kiesha 143, 4(20)
    Mike S 205, 3
    Klutch 255, 4
    Justin R 265, 5

    Nick T 235,5
    Nick C 325PR, 3
    Peter 325PR, 5
    Chip 415PR, 4
    Mark C 285PR, 5
    LP 205PR(old1RM!), 7
    Kathleen 150, 5
    Oleg 335PR, 4(24SU)

    Sam M 285, 7
    Riley 145, 5
    Rye 435, 5
    Jill H 165PR, 4
    Jim C 360PR, 3
    Peterson 355PR, 5
    Joe G. 235, 4(24)

    Becky 190PR, 6
    Allison(erie) 155, 6
    Sharon 245, 3
    Joe C, 315PR, 5
    Tracy 133, 6(20)
    Andrea 225, 4(21SU)
    Anne 185PR, 5 (13+)
    Fayth 175PR, 6(17)
    Jill C 140, 6
    Rinat 275, 6

  8. Aimee 270 Momma PR! 305x1!! (5)
    Diane 245 (5)
    David 155 (4)
    Fran 115PR (6)
    Kara 155 (5)
    Beth 85 (7)
    BJ 325PR!! (5)
    Sandy 145 (6)
    Mel 195PR!! (5)
    Orlando Form (5)
    Patrick 345PR!! (5)
    Nick T 124 (5)
    Stephanie C. 115PR!!(5)
    Ryan 205 (5)
    Shannon 150PR!! (5)
    Greg E 195 (5)
    Kwon 245 (5)

    Lots of PR's Today!! Sometimes you can pull big weight, sometimes you can't. Good work by all.
