

Hang Power Clean

AMRAP in 10 minutes
7 Ring dips
14 AB-Mat Situps
21 Hang Power Cleans (75/115#)

Community Notes:
  Click here to read more about our new Kids Schedule and events.  Remember to sign up today for the Nutrition Seminar this weekend and for Vinny's kipping workshop

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
-Thomas Edison

Roni 105#, 3+25 band
Dinger 115#, 3+27 band/85#
King 195#, 3 +37 Rx
Mike P. 200#PR, 4+19 Rx
Kathleen 120#PR, 3+16 band
Ellie 110#, 3+29 band
Chip - 245# 4 + 31 rx PR:)
Peter - 185# 4 +29 rx PR:)
Mark C. - 185# 3 rx
Nick - 225# 4 + 28rx PR
Joe G 75# form 2 + 28
Barb 105# 2 +28
Susan 95# 2+17
Taylor 63# 2+37
Nick 165 4 +20
Diane 105 3 +14
Chris T. 93 3 +22
Steph 173 3 + 11
David 113# 3
Kara 103 3 + 24
Ryan 295# 5 (rx)
Justin R 235 3 + 32
Sharon 123 3 + 17 (rx)
Michael K 83 form 3 + 10
Conn 215 3+10 Rx
Borden 205 3+37 dip scale
Vinny 245 3 sub HSPU
Kate K 150 4+7 GHD
Dave 155 2+39 band
Dee 140 PR :) 4+7 band
Oleg 210 PR 3+27 Rx
Matt B 205 PR 3+30 band
Derreck 215 3_26 ROM
Pablo 105 3@75 Paralette
Brett 195 3+26 band
Bill 185 3+27 Rx
Shannon 90 4+7 @60 Paralette
Jaime 80 3+40@55 Paralette
Bridget 85 3+21@60 Paralette
Lauren 130PR 4+17 band
Patrick 205, 4+7Rx
Andrew 165Pr, 3+8
Manisha 65Pr, 3
Luke 195, 2+31Rx
Joy 115, 3+27 band
Smizzy 88Pr, 3+3
John M 145, 4
Mark B 175, 4+1
Wegman 175 4+6
Cory 135 3+20
Arin 113, 3+31
Tim H 185 3+30
Stacy 105Pr 4 band
Donkey 123 3+7 (73 par)
Regi 110 3+22 (65 band)
JZ 135 3+26 (95)
FTPNMC 165 3+7 Rx
Fayth 100pr 3+16 (65 band)
Anne 70 3+7 (45 band)
Keith 275 4+32 (Rx)


  1. 6am
    Roni 105#, 3+25 band
    Dinger 115#, 3+27 band/85#
    King 195#, 3 +37 Rx
    Mike P. 200#PR, 4+19 Rx
    Kathleen 120#PR, 3+16 band
    Ellie 110#, 3+29 band

    Two more PR's set today at 6am!!! Great job to all the athlete's on the AMRAP. Anyone who scaled minimized their use of scales and pushed themselves this morning. Remember, scales are a progression toward overall strength and endurance. We need to always evaluate which scales to use and when, so we are constantly working toward improvement. I saw a lot of that today and it was impressive!

  2. 7am:

    Chip - 245# 4 + 31 rx PR:)
    Peter - 185# 4 +29 rx PR:)
    Mark C. - 185# 3 rx
    Nick - 225# 4 + 28rx PR

    PR's in the house at the Sexy 7 am class. Dont forget to get those elbows around quick and keep them high! Great today guys~

  3. I love the new title of the 7 AM class. Look out "Dirty 9:30"!

  4. Kathleen, that's a really solid HPC. Nice job!

    Coach Mike brings up a great point about scales being a progression towards strength and endurance.

  5. 6:30

    Conn 215 3+10 Rx
    Borden 205 3+37 dip scale
    Vinny 245 3 sub HSPU
    Kate K 150 4+7 GHD
    Dave 155 2+39 band
    Dee 140 PR :) 4+7 band
    Oleg 210 PR 3+27 Rx
    Matt B 205 PR 3+30 band
    Derreck 215 3_26 ROM
    Pablo 105 3@75 Paralette
    Brett 195 3+26 band
    Bill 185 3+27 Rx
    Shannon 90 4+7 @60 Paralette
    Jaime 80 3+40@55 Paralette
    Bridget 85 3+21@60 Paralette
    Lauren 130PR 4+17 band

    I saw a lot of hyperextension of the back to catch the clean tonight. Many of you were doing a great job of opening your hip but are failing to trace your hips back and down to catch. There needs to be a lot of focus put into not letting the knees just dive forward after you hit triple extension. Many of you did a good job of trying to correct this but I think we definitely need to focus on this the next time this movement comes up in a WOD.

  6. 5:30

    Patrick 205, 4+7Rx
    Andrew 165Pr, 3+8
    Manisha 65Pr, 3
    Luke 195, 2+31Rx
    Joy 115, 3+27 band
    Smizzy 88Pr, 3+3
    John M 145, 4
    Mark B 175, 4+1
    Wegman 175 4+6
    Cory 135 3+20
    Arin 113, 3+31
    Tim H 185 3+30
    Stacy 105Pr 4 band
