


For time:
100 ft Walking lunge
50 Push-ups
50 Double-unders
25 Knees to elbows
5 Rope climb, 15 ft
50 Box jump, 24/20 inch box
25 Overhead squats, 65/45 pounds
25 L-pull-ups
50 Sit-ups

If things are not as you wish, wish them as they are.
-Ben Franklin

Brian R 22:42 scaled
Dinger 21:55 scaled
Wax 25:03 scaled, str pushups, 3rc
Kyle W 24:07 scaled
Mike S 31:10 scaled
Peter 19:55 Rx
Kristin T 24:46 scaled L pullup
Jill 23:31 scaled
Susan 22:04 scaled
Chris T 22:11 scaled
Kara 23:13 scaled
Nick 16:19 (ring pulls w box (1/2BJ))
Chip 25:12 Rx
Tim Mcc 24:36 Rx
Becky 28:01 Rx
Brett 18:52 Scale
Johnny 18:27 StrictPU
Jaime 24:47 Scale
Shannon 24:36 Scale
Al V. 14:32 StictPU
Anne B. 24:38
Fayth 23:34 Scale
Kathy :-)
Linda :-)
Bridget 23:43 Scale
Justin R 23:45 scales
Ryan 16:49 scales
Roman 19:16 scale
Ph 18:20 scales
Katrina 23:13 scales
Tracy O 20:48 scales
Beav 19:35 scales
Rachael 22:10 scales


  1. 6am

    Brian R 22:42 scaled
    Dinger 21:55 scaled
    Wax 25:03 scaled, str pushups, 3rc
    Kyle W 24:07 scaled
    Mike S 31:10 scaled
    Peter 19:55 Rx
    Kristin T 24:46 scaled L pullup

  2. Thanks to Timmy P pushing us through the pull-ups on that one!
    (ps - it was strict Pullups :)

  3. Is anyone interested in another What is CrossFit/What is Fitness lecture by me? Would be about 1.5 hours with Q&A. It is your chance to learn about the principles of CrossFit and how we believe it works. It will also help you answer the question what is this CrossFit thing you are always talking about when your friends ask. It is free if you are a member and I will do it if I have 15 people interested. Thoughts?

  4. Jason - I'd be interested in the lecture

  5. Jason, I am not interested.

  6. 7:30

    Brett 18:52 Scale
    Johnny 18:27 StrictPU
    Jaime 24:47 Scale
    Shannon 24:36 Scale
    Al V. 14:32 StictPU
    Anne B. 24:38
    Fayth 23:34 Scale
    Kathy :-)
    Linda :-)
    Bridget 23:43 Scale

    Lots of people fell on boxes tonight... and of lots of people got right back up and kept working.

    Hard Work. Dedication.

  7. 6:30pm
    Faby 15:20
    Kate k 23:25 65#; mf pull-up
    Deedee 24:37 scale
    Jer Jer 23:53 box squat
    Gene 24:37 "L" rom
    Matt b 23:15 scale
    Jeremy 24:38 scale
    Mike p 18:22 (once wasn't good enough!?). ;)
    Sam b 14:03

    Great job to everyone for pushing through on this chipper! Remember to always keep that core tight to help you get through those OHS!

  8. Rinat 9:30 am - 20:25 (?) Rx
