

Five rounds of:
5 Dumbbell deadlifts
5 Dumbbell hang cleans
5 Dumbbell push presses
5 Dumbbell squats

Increase the load each round. Rest as necessary between rounds. Record the weight used in each round. Do not put the dumbbells down between exercises. Click here to watch a Video of Rob Orlando doing this workout.

(compare to 3.3.11)

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.”
- Robert Frost

Mike P. 35/45/55/60/60
Ellie 20/25/30/35/35
Wax 45/55/60/65DNF/60DNF
KT 25/30/35/40/40
Roni 20/25/30/35/40
Klutch 40/55/60DNF/60DNF/55
Nick 30/40/30/30/40
Cris A. 40/45/50/55/60DNF
Max 20/20/25/25/25
Dinger 20/25/30/35/40
Chip 30/45/50/65/70
Mark 30/35/45/50/55
Peter 30/40/45/55/60
Alex 20/25/30/35/40/45
Nick 25/35/40/60/65dnf
Chris T 15-20-25-30
Fran 8 form
Susan 20-25-30-35dnf
David 20-20-20-25-25
Erika 20-25-35-25-40dnf
Barb 20-25-30-35dnf-35dnf
Kara 15-20-25-30-25
Mike W 25-30-35-40-45
Sarah W 12-15-20-25-30 dnf
Kathleen 20-25-30-35dnf-25
Cate 20-30-40-50-55 (dnf by 1 rep!)
Aimee 15-20-30-40-45dnf
Keith 35-50-70-80dnf-75
Rob PH 35-50-70-80dnf-55
Justin R 35-40-45-55-55 DNF
Sarah S 10-12-15-20-20
DeeDee 25-30-35-40dnf-30
Becky 20-30-dnf-35
Joe G 20/25- form
Bre 15-20-25-30-35
Luke 30/35/40/50/55DNF
Wegman 25/35/45/50DNF/50DNF
Bob G 20/25/25/35DNF/30
Manisha 10/12/15/20/20
Kate C 25/30/40/45/50DNF
Smizzy 15/20/25/30DNF/25
Cory 20/30/35/40/45
Andrew 25/30/35/45/50
Regi 15-20-25-30-35dnf
Fayth 15-20-25-30-35 dnf
Brian R 40-50-60dnf-60dnf-55
Robin 15-20-25-25-30 dnf
WW 25-35-45-55dnf-55dnf
Ryan B 45-65-75-90-100
Fab 40-50-60 dnf-60 dnf-60 dnf


  1. 6am
    Mike P. 35/45/55/60/60
    Ellie 20/25/30/35/35
    Wax 45/55/60/65DNF/60DNF
    KT 25/30/35/40/40
    Roni 20/25/30/35/40
    Klutch 40/55/60DNF/60DNF/55
    Nick 30/40/30/30/40
    Cris A. 40/45/50/55/60DNF

  2. 7am
    Max 20/20/25/25/25
    Dinger 20/25/30/35/40
    Chip 30/45/50/65/70 holy poop on a stick!
    Mark 30/35/45/50/55
    Peter 30/40/45/55/60
    Alex 20/25/30/35/40/45
    Nick 25/35/40/60/65dnf

  3. 5:30pm

    Luke 30/35/40/50/55DNF
    Wegman 25/35/45/50DNF/50DNF
    Bob G 20/25/25/35DNF/30
    Manisha 10/12/15/20/20
    Kate C 25/30/40/45/50DNF
    Smizzy 15/20/25/30DNF/25
    Cory 20/30/35/40/45
    Andrew 25/30/35/45/50

  4. oh no...6:30pm...I just signed on to post the scores. I opened the photo on my iphone and went to expand the picture and accidently deleted it!! Please post atleast what your final weight was.

    Sorry guys!

  5. 6:30pm class
    Melanie 20/25/30/35/40 (dropped x 1), so final weight was 35
