

Workout 13.5 
MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old 
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 100 pound Thruster, 15 reps 15 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
 If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes. 
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes. 
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes. Etc. 

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old 
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 65 pound Thruster, 15 reps 15 Chest to bar Pull-ups 
If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes. 
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes. 
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes. Etc.

Community Notes:
We will begin heats at 9:00AM.

Happy Birthday Aimee!!!
Those of you that have been around awhile will know that I usually hack the blog on Aim's birthday and create a workout for her.  This year, due to the Open, I cannot do it...I guess lucky for you?  It is easy for me to sit here and list a million things about Aimee that I love and admire but all of you would expect that because I am her husband.  With that in mind, this year I decided to ask a few members of the gym to tell me what Aim means to them...here are a few quotes that I got:

1) Aimee the coach, Aimee the business owner, Aimee the mom and Aimee my friend, I am lucky enough to know them all and respect the many hats that you wear!  Happy birthday girl! Enjoy your day, you deserve it!

2) Aimee, you are definitely an Aries woman!  It is your fire and drive that has mad CKOP what it is today.  I am grateful to be one of your coaches.  You allow us to learn and grow into our passions and abilities.  I have consistently become better all around within this community that you have created.  I hope your birthday is awesome!

3) Aim, I want you to know that your energy and attitude are contagious.  Even though I'm usually coming when you're going, just brushing shoulders with you for a moment is great for me.  You remind me that the daily grind is over and it's time for CrossFit.  Whether I'm gearing up to coach or workout, it's a nice burst of sunshine on what may have otherwise been a blah day.  Thanks for everything and have a great birthday!!!

4) Aimee, you're always good for a big smile and greeting everyone that walks through your door.  You've brought this community from a tiny class at FAC to a huge group of people here and that's awesome to see.  Happy birthday!

5) Aimee, you are Super Woman.  The amount of things that you successfully juggle would make even the world's best circus clown jealous.  Your ability to place a high priority on your family all while putting up with all of the minutia that no one in the gym sees is mind blowing to me.  Your passion to create something special has had a positive influence on our lives and you have made each of us better, either directly or indirectly.  I love you with all of my heart and could not wish for a better best friend, wife or mother for our children.  You're the best and a constant inspiration to me.

The 2013 Open season comes to an end on Saturday.  In honor of that AND Aimee's birthday, we invite everyone to stay after the final buzzer for a few drinks.  It will be 5 o'clock somewhere.  We will have some beer and champagne but please feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks.  We worked hard for 5 weeks to push our bodies further than we thought possible...let's regress a little by celebrating with friends and family.

"Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes but morning comes out...Keep hope alive."
-Jesse Jackson

 Denise 35
Jim C 51
Joe C 45
Nick 63
Mike S 21
Sharon 15
Kyle 43 (scale)
Kathleen 15
Flounder 22
Mel 46
Joe P 38
Steve 15
Andrea 29
JNa 15
Alona 32
Jason 50
Derreck 51
Jess C 49
Barb 22
King 60
KT 57
Borden 56
Conn 47
LP 65
Gene 52
Rebecca 15
Luke 28
Patrick 41
Justin H 66
Aim 47
Jen S 45
Megs 49
Ryan B 63
Dan L 55
Sarah 15
Oleg 62
Jay E 60
Tobin 69
Ditty 20
Vinny 83
TP 66
Keith 69

Jess getting high!!!

Who's preggers?

Barb getting it done.

 Mad ups!

1 comment:

  1. Aimee--
    Happy, happy birthday!! Thank you for inspiring me to become a better me!
