
The FINAL Open Recap

The 2013 Open Sectionals are over.  As usual, there was a ton of energy in the gym and many first time Opener's finished all 5 workouts.  Congratulations.  Similar to last week, there were a lot of changes in the top people based on performances in 13.5.  You can see the final rankings in the link below.  I have included regional and world rankings.  You will notice in some cases, someone is ranked higher in the region then they are in the world.  As we stated in the beginning, we are going with Regional rankings.  Without further ado, here you go.  

Sadly, we lost 12 people in the fifth week!  It is unfortunate that so many people would get so far than fall short of the finish line.  In 2013, 40% of the people that started the Open failed to finish.  This percentage is significantly higher than last year and hopefully we can turn that around in 2014.  For those that completed the Open, congratulations and I hope that you exceeded all of your goals.  If you fell short, be proud of what you have done...it is an amazing accomplishment just to get through all of the workouts.  For those that were unable to calculate a ranking because you either missed a workout or forgot to submit your score, I hope that you are excited with what you have accomplished as well and now you have something to shoot for in the future.  

There has been a lot of talk about the Competitors Class that I will be running.  The details will be distributed in the coming days but a huge congratulations to those that finished in the top 6.  These 6 were chosen based on Regional rankings and Masters athletes were used in the calculation.  If you did not squeak in the top 6, do not worry as requirements for this class will be posted shortly.  If you have any questions, please direct them at me.  Here they are, in order

Vinny, Sam, Faby, Ryan, Mike T, Keith
LP, Kate C, Cate K, KT, Aimee, Andrea

“Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.”
~Les Brown


  1. Congrats guys!

  2. Thanks for compiling everything Jason, nice work everyone I am secretly glad the Open is over - what are we all going to do tonight at 8pm?!
