
What's NEW at CFKoP

The CFKoP Annex

We have taken over an additional 1200 sq feet of space about 50 feet away from CFKoP installed a new Pull-up Rig, mats, and outfitted it with new equipment (Address: 110C DeKalb Street). We will start utilizing this space for a Intro Sessions, Fundamentals, Private training, Specialty Programs and Kids Classes; we will eventually be expanding our current class offering to provide even more depth and breath.  
Please check your MindBody online schedule and when you see the "room" listed as CFKoP Annex please report to 110C DeKalb Street. Having this space will also allow you not miss any regular classes or strength classes on the weekends we host Level 1 Seminars. Prepare for normal programming in the form of "Mystery WoDs" on those days. The WoD will not be listed on the blog so prepare for the unknown and unknowable.
For example this weekend on Saturday 4/13 and 4/14 the 9AM, 10AM, 11AM Strength and Sunday 9AM and 10AM classes will all be held in the "Annex".  See you there!