
Get to know your coaches- Laura

1.    How long have you been doing Crossfit?
I started Crossfitting the summer of 2008, and have been working out with Aimee and “Crossfit KoP” since the very beginning.  It started informally with Aimee teaching a “Crossfit class” at Fairmont Athletic Club,  I remember doing box jumps on the squash spectator benches and deadlifts with no bumper plates.

2.    What certifications do you have?
Crossift Level 1, Certified Health Coach

3.    What future certifications do you want to get?
I’d like to learn more about mobility, maybe USA weightlifting, and gymnastics

4.    What are your favorite things to coach?
I like coaching the traditional Crossfit couplets and triplets, the workouts where you get to use your Crossfit skills and really play around with intensity, I find that many newer Crossfitters are afraid to push themselves since they are still working on getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, and like being able to motivate and encourage someone to get into that uncomfortable zone, conquer it, and come out stronger.

5.    Why do you like coaching?
Coaching allows me to interact at a different level with many members of the gym, while I’m a morning coach and don’t get to see as many people since the 6 and 7amers are less crowded, I get to learn more about people, what makes them tick, and help people reach and achieve their goals.

6.    How would you classify your style?
Geez, not sure about this one.  I know I’m a little on the quiet side, because even when I’m yelling it’s tough to hear me. 

7.    Other interests outside of Crossfit?
All things Paleo, Cooking, Hiking, Triathlon, Photography (although I need a lot of help with this still!)

8.    What are you top 2 Crossfit goals for 2013?
Consistent and full range of motion muscle-ups
OHS - 10 reps @bodyweight

9.    Favorite Crossfit memory?
2010 Regionals with the KoP Affiliate team, we had a blast and everyone kicked ass too!  Regionals started with a road trip with the Plenti (before they were the Plenti and were just Chris and Ditty) where we had a team + a few other athletes and all stayed together in a cabin in the woods out in some remote place in Ohio.  We had no idea what the workouts were going to be and had a big outdoor playground which included a crazy trail run as one of the workouts!  Being part of the team was so much fun, and we placed 3rd which qualified us to go to the 2010 Crossfit Games, it was an amazing experience where we all gave it everything we had and it was enough J and something I’ll always remember and can be proud of.

10. What's your "day" job?
Management consultant for Vynamic which is a Philly based healthcare industry management consulting company.  I’m currently working with the IBC Foundation on a project that is targeting reducing childhood obesity in Philadelphia and the surrounding counties through implementing programs focusing on Eating Right, Getting Fit, and Staying Well at schools within each county. 
I’m also a Health Coach, and you can find me at www.laurapappashealth.com where I’m helping people make lasting change to be healthier and sharing the Paleo message as well as thoughts on exercising, living, balance and cooking  through my blog Against the Grain.

11. What would you be doing for exercise without Crossfit?
Running and Triathlon, and probably some bootcamp style stuff – I’m not sure I’d be able to do a pull up and for sure wouldn’t know what a snatch or clean and jerk were.

12. Favorite cheat foods?
Wine and dark chocolate J and Paleo Chocolate chip cookies!


  1. nice, glad people get to know more about you, although they're probably not surprised that your "outside" interests include Paleo. In terms of performance, you've consistently been a top performer when it comes to the Open and Regionals...and how cool is it to say that you went to the Games??? Congrats on the profile LP!

  2. Great profile Laura! Your kindness and patience and enormous wealth of knowledge make you a great coach and a really fun presence at the box. It was very cool watching you get 3 muscle-ups in 13.3 this year!

    By the way, anyone looking to improve their diet and learn more about Paleo, cooking, supplements, etc. should definitely check out Laura's health coaching programs.

  3. Great profile Laura! I have always admired your dedication to health and fitness. Even your cheat foods aren't really cheat foods! You are honestly a great role model for our box. You work really hard, and you practice what you preach. For several skills and movements, I have seen you consistently work hard at them and have proven to everyone that hard work pays off. Keep kicking ass girl!!!

  4. Laura- you are awesome! You have helped me so much along the way w my eating for a healthier lifestyle. And anytime during the day if I have a question about food, you are so quick to get back! You rock at what you do and are such a positive role model to have at the box. You always push me that extra step. Thanks for that :)

  5. Laura you are an awesome coach and friend! It's great getting to know you even better through this blog post. Thanks for sharing. Keep up all the great work you do!

  6. Congrats Laura!!! You Really Are Such A Kind Heart! Congratulations On AlL Your Achievements This Year!
