
Athlete of the Month

Congratulations "Tall Dan" – (aka. Dan L):
Hometown: Chester Springs, Pa

Current Location: Bryn Mawr, Pa

Age: 30

Occupation: Regional Sales Manager for a start-up medical device company called Baxano. We manufacture a surgical device intended to be used to decompress the nerve roots of a patient's spine who is suffering from back and leg pain. The device is called the iO-Flex. My occupation is always a nice reminder to "keep my lumbar engaged!!"

College: La Salle University ~ Go Explorers!!

How long have you been a CrossFitter? Since Feb 2012

Did you ever play sports? I have always played sports, but my favorite was ice hockey...20+ years!! I made it to junior level play when I graduated from high school (Bishop Shanahan in Downingtown) and later played in college. I also have a black belt in tae kwon do; played rugby in high school and college and rowed crew at La Salle. I also love golf. Many of you may find it surprising that I never played basketball...dont worry, though, I can still get buckets and dunk like crazy:)

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? I really enjoy fishing and then eating the fish. I also love cooking, especially breakfast. I cook a mean omelet...ask me sometime, I may have a picture of a recent one on my phone (#uncool hobby)

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit? Muscle Ups (bar and ring) and Pistols. I also consider it an achievement to fill out an extra large tee shirt with muscles...oh yea :)

What do you feel that you still need to work on? Handstand Pushups and the Snatch

Goals for the rest of this year? Squat 310lbs; Deadlift 400lbs; Clean/Jerk 250lbs; complete a metabolic wod without puking :)

What's your favorite WOD? I suck at WOD names but Im a huge fan of the 100 pullups/100 pushups/100 situps/100 squats. I'm a fan of 30 clean/jerks at 135 for time and Aimee also once posted a sweet WOD where we had to squat body weight and climb the rope...loved it. 

How about your favorite food/snacks? I love gummy snacks...bears, worms, miniature animals, whatever. I also love sweet potatoes, fresh fruit, tuna, quinoa and mac and cheese. Oh and ice cream. My wife, Leanne, also makes amazing stuffed peppers and this roasted pork dish....booya, I'm hungry now. 

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? My hockey team lost a very important game during a tournament growing up. And much like the movie "Miracle," our coach forced us to stay in pads and skate a ridiculous amount of suicides after the game was completed. I dont know how many we skated, but the lights in the rink were turned off. I knew "pukie" back then too...as a matter fact, on that day, a good portion of my team did too..

What’s your least favorite WOD? Anything with a high snatch count....makes me feel like a sissy. 

Favorite lift/movement? deadlift, squat, pull up, rope climb, toes to bar

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? snatch; hand stand pushup and over head squat. 

What skill do you want to work on in 2013 the most ? Snatch!!

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? My lifting shoes...ill never go back. Also, anything else that makes me look huge! 

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? my confidence in very difficult lifts...deads, squat, bench, etc..I was finally taught the right way to train and have seen amazing differences in one year. 

Who is your favorite coach? This is a great question, and one that isn't fair to those that I wont be able to remember a specific moment where you showed me a more efficient way to train...but here we go...Chris P: you are turning me into a monster and I love it. You are a super-genius when it comes to this kind of stuff. Vinny and Aimee: Love your classes and your willingness to lead by example. Jason: I thought you were a dick at first, but then I realized that I just really sucked at this sport...haha; im just kidding. your still a dick. But also extremely intelligent, and I would probably have found myself in a hospital bed at this point if it wasn't for you. Last but not least; I don't know if Donkey still reads this post, but when she was here, she was very influential in her westside training ways that I will always incorporate into my strength training efforts. There are also a ton of very intelligent members at CFKOP that offer excellent advice based on their own experiences and strength levels...we are very lucky to have such a community. 

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?..I finally strung 100 dubs not that long ago: 235 clean/jerk: 290 squat: 385 dead...


  1. Congrats Dan! Well deserved. Let me know when the next roast pork night is, I am coming over for dinner!

  2. dude, you're a monster! and a funny one at that. Glad to see your progress. Coaches can give you tips and program and whatnot, but unless you put it into practice, it doesn't matter. You've showed what happens when you work at something. I like that you get excited about CJ PRs, or muscle ups in 13.3 like you are a little kid. Congrats Dan!

  3. Congrats Dan! Keep up the hard work!!

  4. Tall Dan! Always great to see your smiling face in the gym - you have such a positive attitude and are always encouraging to others! Congrats :)

  5. Dan, you're a great athlete and all around good guy. Very cool to see your dedication and resulting progress!

  6. So proud of you Dan! You have always been one of the most pleasant people to chat with at KOP! You were always the first to ask how I was feeling throughout my pregnancy and still the first to ask how Eva is doing. Talk about doing anything that makes you look huge, I gotta say that standing next to you and counting for you during those clean and jerks last Saturday, you looked huge in my eyes! I was actually a little nervous! Congrats on this achievement and keep up the good work!!

  7. Congrats Dan! You are one of the good guys for sure! Always have a smile, encouraging words, and a positive thing to say! :-)

  8. Congrats Dan - great workout partner and a great guy. Love your attitude and sense of humor - well deserved

  9. Joy said...
    Congrats, Dan!

  10. Yeah Dan!! It's always great to see your smiling face at the gym! You really are a great guy and well deserving of Atlete of the Month (although you should've given them the picture In the frame!)

  11. Congratulations Tall Dan! Well deserved!!!

  12. Tall Dan,
    Congrats on AOTM! It's always a pleasure to see you at the gym. Its great to see all your accomplishments.

  13. Dan, you're a great crossfitter and lots of fun at the box. You always bring a positive attitude and it's been a pleasure getting to know you. Congratulations!

    Brian R

  14. To one of the nicest dudes in the gym... Congrats!!

  15. Congrats Dan. Always a pleasure wedding with you

    Rob PH
