

10 Rounds for time of:
Monkey Bar Traverse (one way)
15 Sit ups
15 Double Unders*

*Scale up and practice your Triple Unders to get ready for when they show up in a WoD!

"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!"
-Jonathan Winters

Lam 16:22 Rx
Mike S 21:52 Almost!
Matt B 23:41
Cris 17:20 Rx
Bridget 16:18 SU/barhang
Gabby 22:21 Rx
Peter 13:55 Rx
Brendan 26:51 Rx
Casey 36:26 Sc
Sharon 16:31 RX
Andrea 23:48 Scale
Jason H 15:38 RX
Erika 21:06 DUA
Jen K 25:10 BearCrawl
Justin R 13:23 RX
Chris A 17:29 DUA
Lizzie 15:45 RX
Regi 18:09 RX
Jeremy 15:40 RX
Katrina 22:02 Scale
Becky 19:29 DUA
Paul 12:45 RX
PH 16:11 MBS
Richard 17:50SU
Roman 15:39RX
Dave 22:34SU MBS
Tracy 16:39 SU/Holds
Tim O 14:15SU
Andrew Y 15:05Holds
Jamie 18:26 Scale
Shannon 18:36 Scale
Manisha 17:33 Scale


  1. 6am
    Lam 16:22 Rx
    Mike S 21:52 Almost!
    Matt B 23:41
    Cris 17:20 Rx

    Bridget 16:18 SU/barhang
    Gabby 22:21 Rx
    Peter 13:55 Rx

    Brendan 26:51 Rx
    Casey 36:26 Sc

  2. 9:30

    Allison B 24:35 DUA
    Jack R 24:10 DUA
    AL V 12:00
    Anne B. 24:54 Holds/DUA
    Barb 18:04
    Jess S 27:57 DUA
    David 28:44RX


    Sharon 16:31 RX
    Andrea 23:48 Scale
    Jason H 15:38 RX
    Erika 21:06 DUA
    Jen K 25:10 BearCrawl
    Justin R 13:23 RX
    Chris A 17:29 DUA
    Lizzie 15:45 RX
    Regi 18:09 RX
    Jeremy 15:40 RX
    Katrina 22:02 Scale
    Becky 19:29 DUA
    Paul 12:45 RX


    PH 16:11 MBS
    Richard 17:50SU
    Roman 15:39RX
    Dave 22:34SU MBS


    Tracy 16:39 SU/Holds
    Tim O 14:15SU
    Andrew Y 15:05Holds

    Jamie 18:26 Scale
    Shannon 18:36 Scale
    Manisha 17:33 Scale
