
Get to Know your Coaches!

Are you a morning person and have never taken a class with one of the evening coaches? Evening people, do you even know who Mike T. is?? Does Tim do anything besides biking, running and swimming? Ever wonder what your coaches are like outside of class? We already provide you an opportunity each month to get to know one of our fellow athletes in our AOTM profiles. We thought we would give you a chance to get acquainted with our coaches too! Did you know we have 12 coaches at CrossFit KOP? Each week we will be "introducing" you to one of our coaches. We hope that you learn something about each of them that you did not know before. We hope you enjoy getting to know us all better!

 Aimee Lyons

Get to know your coaches – Aimee Lyons

1.    How long have you been doing Crossfit?

May 2008- Started by myself in a globo gym. I proceeded the next month after beginning CrossFit to get my Level 1 in Maine! At that time it was the closest L1 on the east coast. 
2.    What certifications do you have?

CrossFit HQ Trainer

CrossFit Kids Trainer

CrossFit L1 Trainer

CrossFit L2 Trainer

CrossFit Olympic Lifting, Plus clinics with EC, James Hobart and Natalie Burgener

CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Powerlifting

CrossFit Nutrition, plus Whole 9 workshop and Robb Wolf

CrossFit Mobility

CrossFit Gymnastics (Tucker)

Gymnastics (Paoli)

CrossFit Football

Concept II Rowing

USAW – Weightlifting Sports Certified Coach

National Personal Training Institute CPT

…lots of other “stuff” pre CrossFit

3.    What future certifications do you want to get?

I’m taking the Coaches Prep course on March 2nd/3rd; yearly, I try to continue my education with a few additional specialty seminars...I think continually learning is a big part of coaching.

4.    What are your favorite things to coach?

The Olympic Lifts and the basics! I love being creative and coming up with new ways to present the foundational movements to beginners so they understand the concepts.

5.    Why do you like coaching?

I have the best job in the world, I get to change peoples lives on a daily basis!
6.    How would you classify your style?

Energetic, yet demanding.I love being able to see and correct movements and help with human movement!

7.    Other interests outside of CrossFit?

Traveling, Food, Wine… my baby girl!

8.    What are you top 2 CrossFit goals for 2013?

First, to complete the open as Rx’d since I’ll be between 20-25 weeks pregnant during that time, so needless to say it will be a challenge. Second, to compete in the SuperFit games at the end of October in KoP!

Post baby my 2 goals are to work on the Jerk and get that to 30% more than my Push Press and walk on my hands…that one is still lingering!

9.    Favorite CrossFit memories?

There are many since I have been coaching since 2008…but most are peoples performances and accomplishments. Many memories are seeing athletes push through that window of what they thought they weren’t capable of to success. There are a lot from the early days of CFKoP, Jason during his first WOD with me, Nicole during Fran, Hannah during Angie, Dorothy during Grace, Joe A during any WOD in the early days!…The Valentine’s Day Massacre-every year, Festivus, The King and Queen of Prussia! There are so many for me it’s hard to put them into a paragraph when they deserve a novel.

Steve Z is my biggest success story and the one I am most proud to have changed a life!

On a personal note, the first Regional competition I did in 2009, that’s where I pushed the limit and learned what CrossFit and community was really about…oh yeah, and the Games in 2009 were pretty amazing at the Ranch in Aromas!

10. What's your "day" job?

CrossFit – of course,  I started CFKoP in September 2008 after 8 + years in the Retail industry as a buyer and various other roles. In addition to CFKoP I also work for CrossFit HQ as a trainer on the Level 1 Staff and Kids Seminar Staff.

11. What would you be doing for exercise without CrossFit?

Most likely one of the 20 certifications I had prior to CrossFit, spinning, bodypump, pilates, yoga…etc…and believe it or not – I’d probably be running! Before CrossFit I ran 45 minutes daily!

12. Favorite cheat foods?

Wine, Chocolate…good dessert!


  1. This is an awesome idea Aimee! And Congrats!!!! I had no idea you were pregnant! So happy for you guys :)

  2. Great idea - especially since not everyone sees each other due to different schedules.
    You forgot one category/question - favorite saying while coaching. Although you should let the box come up with that one!

  3. Love the addition of the get to know your coaches addition to the Blog! I first met Aimee in December 2009 after finally working up the nerve to send an email to ask for the free intro session. My life is one of the hundreds that have been forever changed because of Aimee. The WOD's are awesome but it's the community Aimee has built that make you stay. CFKOP is my home away from home. Thank you Aimee!

  4. Very cool, i was just thinking about this the other day! I know not everyone gets to take different classes and meet other coaches at the box so this is great.

  5. good stuff! Aimee did Ditty and my intro. What defines a good dessert?

  6. P- too funny. Let me see if I can put a definition on that. Small portion of supremely delectable treat. Usually gotten at a nice dining establishment. Quality ingredients. I'll keep working on defining this...

  7. Little known fact... Aimee finished 10th at the Central East Regionals in 2010 when she was in her first trimester with Chloe!! No doubt she'll put up some great scores and help the team this year in the Open, even being 20+ weeks pregnant!


  8. Indeed. It was out in Ohio and after the last event (which ended with a sled drag UP a steep hill) she told family and friends. I believe it was Mother's Day which made it all the more appropriate, especially for Gigi. I was down the hill judging and Ditty told me to go talk to Aimee for some kind of news. I think I was no-repping someone at the time.

  9. Aimee, I'm really concerned you don't have enough certifications... HAHA

    Brian R

  10. Love the shout-out to Dorothy and her epic first Rx'd Grace! That is a CF moment that inspires me to this day.

    Congrats on baby #2!

  11. Though I no longer crossfit at KOP and I head to the YMCA almost daily, every WOD I perform is crossfit inspired. It's changed my life, aimee changed my life. I am forever grateful. Ps. As I speak, grans texted me this blog post and I'm texting as I climb the stairmaster (Not crossfit inspired). Love you Aim! ~Han

  12. thanks everyone! Hi Han--- We miss you!
