

Shoulder Press

AMRAP in 2 Minutes of each of the following exercises:
Rope Climbs
Handstand Push-ups
Dumbbell Clean and Jerk 35/55#

Repeat 1 round ONLY, your score is the total reps completed for all 4 exercises.

"Condoning bad form for the resulting intensity ignores the big picture.  In doing so, we rob our athletes of their long-term potential, artificially capping their progress in the name of immediate gratification.  An athlete with poor form and an ugly three-minute “Fran” will always have an ugly three-minute “Fran”, while a similar athlete with good form will soon find himself pushing the limits of possibility, utilizing the structural advantages of the perfect thruster to close in on two minutes.

For the CrossFitter, perfection should be non-negotiable, regardless of the near-term outcome.  Progressing to the elite level—heart jackhammering, lungs bursting, and records falling—depends on it."...A paragraph from...The Non-Negotibility of Perfection  by Jon Gilson

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” 
– Bill Copeland


Keith 145/59
Kyle B 65/28
Sandy 60/75
Flounder 115/66
Smizzy 50/61
Nick 105/40
Dinger 95/74
Rinat 105/73
Aimee 85/67
Jack 65/47
Kathy 40/50
Kathleen 60/56
Manisha 34/59
Allison 55/75
Steph 100/49
Lam 105/59
Becca 75 PR :-)/78
Megs 77.5/60
Gene 185PR/52
Schaefer 145/60
Jim C. 130PR/58
Stasie 45/66
Kate K 70PR/70
Kate C 85/52
Maria 65/?


  1. 9am

    Keith 145/59
    Kyle B 65/28
    Sandy 60/75
    Flounder 115/66
    Smizzy 50/61
    Nick 105/40
    Dinger 95/74
    Rinat 105/73
    Aimee 85/67
    Jack 65/47
    Kathy 40/50
    Kathleen 60/56
    Manisha 34/59
    Allison 55/75


    Steph 100/49
    Lam 105/59
    Becca 75 PR :-)/78
    Megs 77.5/60
    Gene 185PR/52
    Schaefer 145/60
    Jim C. 130PR/58
    Stasie 45/66
    Kate K 70PR/70
    Kate C 85/52
    Maria 65/?
