


Cash Out:
Snatch (use 65% of 1RM)
KettleBell Swings (choose weight according to level and ability)
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” 
― Søren Kierkegaard

Mike P Form/10:53 (65)
Gina 65/9:30
Mike S 65/11:07
King 145/10:27
Bekah 75/8:59
Kelvin 135/8:00
Steph V form /10:03
Roni 80/10:50
Byrnesy 135
Jess C 93/17:16
Dianne Form
Justin H  160
Ryan  215
Joy 65
Becca 70
Oji 93
Arin 78
Joe 130
Schaefer 175/9:54
Kate C 105/7:38
Laura 85/9:20
TP 145/:)
Jen S 98/7:31
Aimee 120/:)
Vinny 195/:)
Cory form/:)
Gene 175/:)
Borden 145/10:28
JNa 50/10:07
Erika 65/10:32
Ditty form/:)
Matt B 75/8:48
Big Al 135/9:53
Jeremy 125/10:15
Alona form/9:48
Small Al 155/:)
Conn 135/:)
Trey form/:)
Andrew Y 85/10:06
Chip 180 PR/8:59
Fayth 55/8:11
Anne :)/8:41
Leslie 75 power/9:11
Diane 100/9:23
Becky 80 PR/9:42
Kate K. 75/7:55
Stasie 60/11:16


  1. Mike P Form/10:53 (65)
    Gina 65/9:30
    Mike S 65/11:07
    King 145/10:27
    Bekah 75/8:59
    Kelvin 135/8:00
    Steph V form /10:03
    Roni 80/10:50

    Nice improvements on the snatch this morning. Remember guys, this is one of those movements that you have to constantly work on form for. You might not PR everyday, but small improvements in form can help you big time in the long run.

    For the cash out in the 6am class, any type of snatch was allowed.

  2. Can you power snatch or is a full squat required?

  3. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you may power snatch but once the amount of weight goes up, you may want to switch to the squat snatch. I guess it all depends on what you want to work on.

  4. The word snatch implies a squat. The words power snatch implies that you can do a partial squat.

    That being said a snatch is a failed power snatch. No matter where you receive it, squat!

  5. Nooner!
    Byrnesy 135
    Jess C 93/17:16
    Dianne Form

  6. The 4:30 Crew was capped at 10:00 minutes for the cash out and yes, we SQUATTED!

    Coach P- another easy one to record the scores...it's your lucky week!

  7. Schaefer 175/9:54
    Kate C 105/7:38
    Laura 85/9:20
    TP 145/:)
    Jen S 98/7:31
    Aimee 120/:)
    Vinny 195/:)
    Cory form/:)
    Gene 175/:)

    Borden 145/10:28
    JNa 50/10:07
    Erika 65/10:32
    Ditty form/:)
    Matt B 75/8:48
    Big Al 135/9:53
    Jeremy 125/10:15
    Alona form/9:48
    Small Al 155/:)
    Conn 135/:)
    Trey form/:)
    Andrew Y 85/10:06

    Chip 180 PR/8:59
    Fayth 55/8:11
    Anne :)/8:41
    Leslie 75 power/9:11
    Diane 100/9:23
    Becky 80 PR/9:42
    Kate K. 75/7:55
    Stasie 60/11:16

    I was digging everyone's squat attempts, nice job. This is something that takes years to "get" so keep at it! Congrats to Becky on a HUGE PR (previous was a 65# power snatch, tonight 80# squat)
