

Tabata Push-up
Run 800 meters
Tabata Sit-ups
Run 800 meters
Tabata Air Squats
Run 800 meters

"If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way."
- Mark Twain

Roni 35/4:33
Jack 22/5:30
Chris S 29/3:39
Flounder 28/4:38
Kathy 17/ 6:21
Megs 24 (GHD,KBS)
Arin 33/7:20
Laura 30/4:19
Christina 28/4:47
Jen 19/7:39
Fab 24/5:03
Steph 25/5:25
Susan 34/7:39
Julie 37/3:56
Sam B. 42/3:27
Dan 24/5:30
Erika 31/6:04
Lauren M 30/4:42
Brian 29/3:51
Jess 28/6:46
Chip 33/5:03
KT 34/4:25
Arun 29/5:43
Jess C. 32/3:59
Jim C. 29/3:11
J-Na 24/5:45
Olan 27/4:18


  1. I posted in the Facebook group but realized not everyone is on facebook. If you're interested in hanging out on NYE, a bunch of us will be at the Ugly Moose in Roxborough. No cover charge, just a cash bar. Shoot me an email if you're interested so I can give them a head count.

  2. Sorry,my email is sjoyce927@gmail.com

  3. 9:00am

    Roni 35/4:33
    Jack 22/5:30
    Chris S 29/3:39
    Flounder 28/4:38
    Kathy 17/ 6:21
    Megs 24 (GHD,KBS)
    Arin 33/7:20
    Laura 30/4:19
    Christina 28/4:47
    Jen 19/7:39
    Fab 24/5:03
    Steph 25/5:25
    Susan 34/7:39

    Great Job on those 800m Indian Runs! Shout out to Christina and Laura dropping in from Denver.


    Julie 37/3:56
    Sam B. 42/3:27
    Dan 24/5:30
    Erika 31/6:04
    Lauren M 30/4:42
    Brian 29/3:51
    Jess 28/6:46
    Chip 33/5:03
    KT 34/4:25
    Arun 29/5:43
    Jess C. 32/3:59
    Jim C. 29/3:11
    J-Na 24/5:45
    Olan 27/4:18

    Shout out to Julie and Dan that dropped in from out of town. Great job to everyone being so organized for the 800m indian runs.

    Everyone did the Tabata's together each round. Once the last round of Tabata was over, everyone lined up and did an 800m Indian Run. On the last 800m run, everyone went at their own pace and that is the time recorded. As well as the lowest numbers for each of the Tabatas.

  4. Great to work out with you all this morning!!!
