

Five rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
10 Push jerks (135/185#)
Rest 1 minute

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
—Ambrose Redmoon

Kelvin 15:07 135#
Bekah 12:37 su/75#
Gina 17:42 65#
Kathleen 16:36 65#
King 15:30 135#
Rebecca S 14:35
Roni 19:04
Rebecca S 14:35 85#
Roni 19:04 80#
Schaefer 19:10 Rx
Megs 12:40 90
Jack 17:49 85 SU
Sean A 16:57 95 su
Stacy H 16:10 65 su
Beth O 11:49 Run DB20/25
Dan L 12:24 145
Jessey 12:55 55 su
Joy 14:50 65
Byrnsie 14:34 165(5reps/rnd)
Ryan B 12:12 su
Brian R 15:43 su 135
Steph I 15:29 55 su
Arin 18:14 75 su
Robin 15:04 50 su
Chris A 16:46 su/100#
Vinny 21:47 "Rx minus"
Keith B 14:30 135#
Flounder 17:11 su/115#
TP 13:58 115#
LP 15:33 95#
Schaefer 11:07 135#
Andrew Y 16:45 su/95#
Sandy 17:43 63#
Deedee 14:49 su/65# "Rx+"
Travis 14:08 su/115
Oji 21:21 115#
Arun 16:17 95#
Shawn 14:36 135#
Alison 15:41 115#
Cory 18:33 2x su/75#
Kate C 23:43 115#
Jeremy 18:54 su/95#
Sam B 23:05 185->165
JNa 21:53 DUA/su/65#
Derreck 22:20 su
Albert ??:??
Borden 21:01 DUA/115#
Lizzie 13:52 55#
Kate K 21:59
Erika 23:39
Jess C 18:12 85#
Conn 22:24 115#
Trey 19:34 115#
Miranda 30:45
Faby 18:57 165#
Leslie 13:25 2x su/60#
Fayth 13:37 2x su/55#


  1. And from the ground it was...


    Kelvin 15:07 135#
    Bekah 12:37 su/75#
    Gina 17:42 65#
    Kathleen 16:36 65#
    King 15:30 135#
    Rebecca S 14:35
    Roni 19:04

    7 brave athletes this morning, awesome workout gang. You know what they say when you see a WOD with built in rest...If you're coming later today, be ready to bring it...

  2. oops, what an idiot..

    Rebecca S 14:35 85#
    Roni 19:04 80#

  3. Due to an overwhelming interest in the women's strength program, applications are due tomorrow. The final list will be on my blog on Friday.


  4. 12:00

    Schaefer 19:10 Rx
    Megs 12:40 90
    Jack 17:49 85 SU
    Sean A 16:57 95 su
    Stacy H 16:10 65 su
    Beth O 11:49 Run DB20/25


    Dan L 12:24 145
    Jessey 12:55 55 su
    Joy 14:50 65
    Byrnsie 14:34 165(5reps/rnd)
    Ryan B 12:12 su
    Brian R 15:43 su 135
    Steph I 15:29 55 su
    Arin 18:14 75 su
    Robin 15:04 50 su

    Awesome job today! Shout out to Arin who followed through when I challenged her to go through the whole WOD with a smile!

  5. 5:30
    Chris A 16:46 su/100#
    Vinny 21:47 "Rx minus"
    Keith B 14:30 135#
    Flounder 17:11 su/115#
    TP 13:58 115#
    LP 15:33 95#
    Schaefer 11:07 135#
    Andrew Y 16:45 su/95#
    Sandy 17:43 63#
    Deedee 14:49 su/65# "Rx+"
    Travis 14:08 su/115
    Oji 21:21 115#
    Arun 16:17 95#
    Shawn 14:36 135#
    Alison 15:41 115#
    Cory 18:33 2x su/75#
    Kate C 23:43 115#

    Jeremy 18:54 su/95#
    Sam B 23:05 185->165
    JNa 21:53 DUA/su/65#
    Derreck 22:20 su
    Albert ??:??
    Borden 21:01 DUA/115#
    Lizzie 13:52 55#
    Kate K 21:59
    Erika 23:39
    Jess C 18:12 85#
    Conn 22:24 115#
    Trey 19:34 115#
    Miranda 30:45

    Faby 18:57 165#
    Leslie 13:25 2x su/60#
    Fayth 13:37 2x su/55#

    This Rx'd woman's weight was higher than normal (73% vs a normal 68-70%) so don't be discouraged if you were not "Rx'ing" when you normally would be.

    I will end with the reason Vinny had the first ever "Rx minus" and Denise had a "Rx+." Around round 4, Vinny was jumping rope and I was walking over towards him. He mumbled something and I said "what?" He said, "My pants are falling down!" Sure enough, his shorts slid down to his ankles as he was jumping rope. He said, "I wanted to keep stringing the double unders." Of course, anyone else would have pulled them up and tied them or figured out a way to secure them. But Vinny is not just anyone else, and so he proceeded to kick his shorts over to the side to complete his set. And the 5th set. And Denise was witness to all of this since she was next to him working out and facing his.........profile.

  6. Kate K: 85#, oopsy. Sorry Plentus!

  7. If Vinny managed to do all that while never breaking stride in his double unders I'm pretty darn impressed! There was a good Vinnyism quote at the 6:00 AM class as Vinny explained to Gina how to pick out a good clip but one of the guys from the class will have to type it up. I blush just thinking about what he said.
