

AMRAP in 20 Minutes
10 Pull-ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Kathleen 8, +1pullup= 241
Rebecca 8, +8= 248
Bekah 7, +25=235
Peter W 9=270
Alona 8= 240
Brian D 8, +11=251
Jay E 7, +1=211
Gina 9=270, bnd
Mike P 11, +7=337
Kristin T 9, +9=279
Megs 340 rx
John C 240 rx
Kim 180/16:00
Chris Ags 210
Rinat 278 rx
Chip 217 rx
Lisa C 240
Barb 270 (situps/pullup)
Travis 6/20
Tre 12/5
Kenny 6/8
Jim C 6/28
Stan 5/9 band/35
Vinny 11/11
Paul S 7 ouchie
Faby 8
Jen S 10/9
Tim P 7 in 10min.
Kyle B 5/5 ring rows/18
John S 251 sub dips
Steve M 190 band
Mark Beaver 212 44#
Ph 272 band
Gene 237 Rx
Jason H 192 Rx
Breanna 190 Mf
Diane 210 green
Roman 240 Rx
Alison 182 Rx
Justin 195 Blue
WW 270 JPU
Stacy 215 band/26
Klutch 212 Rx
Derreck 270 Rx
AJ 187 10Ring Rows
Jackie 276 band
Jna 184 blud
Erika 237 band
Francie 190 35 Russian/band
Ryan S 309 45
Lauren 247 band
Mark W 325 26 Russian/JPU/1 arm
Shawn 242 RR
Stasie 214 26 JPU
Kate C 344 Rx
Arun 180 44 band
Jessi 240 18 band
Oleg 244 Rx
Kate K 250 Rx
Big Al 187 Rx
Heather 281 Rx
Dan M 213 45/band
Brian J 155 35/band
Fayth 275 26/JPU
Anne 280 JPU/Goblet
Leslie 274 26/band
Linda :)
Kathy 275 18/band


  1. 6am

    Each Round scored is 30reps.

    Kathleen 8, +1pullup= 241
    Rebecca 8, +8= 248
    Bekah 7, +25=235
    Peter W 9=270
    Alona 8= 240
    Brian D 8, +11=251
    Jay E 7, +1=211
    Gina 9=270, bnd
    Mike P 11, +7=341
    Kristin T 9, +9=279

  2. Happy Birthday Rob Ph!! Hope you have a great day.

    Happy Birthday to Steph B!

  3. 9:30 RESULTS:

    Megs 340 rx
    John C 240 rx
    Kim 180/16:00
    Chris Ags 210
    Rinat 278 rx
    Chip 217 rx
    Lisa C 240
    Barb 270 (situps/pullups)

  4. TP check your math for Mike P -

    11x30 = 330 + 7 = 337 reps not 341

  5. Ugh - shoulda caught that . . . so much for my M.B.A.

  6. Mike P - 337 or 341, that is strong. Megs way to kill it!

  7. Travis 6/20
    Tre 12/5
    Kenny 6/8
    Jim C 6/28
    Stan 5/9 band/35
    Vinny 11/11
    Paul S 7 ouchie
    Faby 8
    Jen S 10/9
    Tim P 7 in 10min.
    Kyle B 5/5 ring rows/18

    if you weren't sick of kb swings, you are now!

    5:30 worked on pistols afterwards. I said to do 3 sets of 10 each leg. Faby goes "that's too much work."

    uhhhhh...ok Toughest Mudder! hahaha

  8. Rob Ph. I didn't realize it was your bday! Hope it's a great one man. You're always in a good mood and asking how everyone is doing. Great attitude and presence in the gym. Plus, your box jumps are sick!

  9. 4:30pm

    John S 251 sub dips
    Steve M 190 band
    Mark Beaver 212 44#
    Ph 272 band
    Gene 237 Rx
    Jason H 192 Rx
    Breanna 190 Mf
    Diane 210 green
    Roman 240 Rx
    Alison 182 Rx
    Justin 195 Blue
    WW 270 JPU
    Stacy 215 band/26

    Great work today 4:30...this WOD is like something that we might see in the open, so it was good training for us all. Way to stay true to standards and get that chin over the bar on each rep. Also thanks too Schaefer for helping me do the math at the end of class, I don't have an MBA, so that basic math would have killed me...Lol

  10. 6:30

    Klutch 212 Rx
    Derreck 270 Rx
    AJ 187 10Ring Rows
    Jackie 276 band
    Jna 184 blud
    Erika 237 band
    Francie 190 35 Russian/band
    Ryan S 309 45
    Lauren 247 band
    Mark W 325 26 Russian/JPU/1 arm
    Shawn 242 RR
    Stasie 214 26 JPU
    Kate C 344 Rx
    Arun 180 44 band
    Jessi 240 18 band
    Oleg 244 Rx
    Kate K 250 Rx
    Big Al 187 Rx


    Heather 281 Rx
    Dan M 213 45/band
    Brian J 155 35/band
    Fayth 275 26/JPU
    Anne 280 JPU/Goblet
    Leslie 274 26/band
    Linda :)
    Kathy 275 18/band
