

Five rounds for time of: 
7 Deadlifts (185/275#)
30 Squats 
7 Handstand push-ups 

Community Notes:
CrossFit KoP in conjunction with Coach Plentus is bringing you an 8 week "Next Level Strength" program. In this program is for Ladies ONLY (sorrry gents). For details and to sign up - click here. This program is limited to 8-10 female athletes, sign up today.  For questions email chris@crossfitkop.com.

"A child reminds us that playtime is an essential part of our daily routine"

Kelvin 11:27 230#/Ab
Roni A. 11:19 165#
Gina S. 9.11 160#/AbPlate
Cris A. 8:47 245#
Jay E. 9:27 Rx
Mike S. 12:31 165#/Band
King 12:12 205#/Ab
Bekah 8:30 165#/Ab
Mike P. 8:32 Rx
Brian D. 8:26 165#/stinkbug
KT 14:12 155#/Ab
Rebecca 12:34 165# / AbMat/Plate
Peter 9:59 ab/SB 225#
Lauren M 13:11 SB 155#
Mark C 12:01 225#
John C. 7:33 rx
Mike W. 13:47 (sb/225#)
Sarah W. dnf
David C. 14:15 (2ab/115#)
Chip 11:20 (sb/275#)
Rinat 14:14 (1ab/275#)
Amanda 14:26 (2ab rom/103#)
Barb 12:25 (box/165#)
Ryan 14:35 Rx
Schaefer 14:58 Abmat
Sean A. 10:08 205#/SB
Jack 11:35 85#/box
Gene 11:04 Rx
Rob Ph. 12:14 275#/HSPU Rom
Travis 9:02 185#/HSPU Rom
Katerina 9:56 35#/SB
Arin 12:32 145#/Abmat
Robin 9:56 85#/SB
Megs 9:59 135#
Jessey 9:08 115#/SB
Kenny 16:51 255#
Jerry 13:37 225#
Jen S 11:41 165#/SB
Faby 10:38 225#
Jess S 12:30 145# ab
Brian R 12:35 225# ab
Sandy 11:07 125# 2ab
Denise F 8:19 115# SB
Flounder 11:11 225# SB
Oleg 11:47 275# SB
Vincent 11:17 205# SB
Dan L 14:11 Rx
Dan M 10:40 185# SB
Vinny 9:24 Rx
Keith B 11:29 Rx
Laura P 10:15 145#


  1. 6am - "Hits ya like a 737"

    Kelvin 11:27 230#/Ab
    Roni A. 11:19 165#
    Gina S. 9.11 160#/AbPlate
    Cris A. 8:47 245#
    Jay E. 9:27 Rx
    Mike S. 12:31 165#/Band
    King 12:12 205#/Ab
    Bekah 8:30 165#/Ab
    Mike P. 8:32 Rx
    Brian D. 8:26 165#/stinkbug
    KT 14:12 155#/Ab
    Rebecca 12:34 165# / AbMat/Plate

    Goodbye Wishes to Bekah Heim. Congrats on Graduation! Bekah is moving back to Lancaster for student teaching, then doing 1 year in Uruguay teaching English. Good Luck, Bekah!

  2. This was the 2009 Great Basin Regional Qualifier workout #2. Back then regions programmed their own workouts, so every region was different. He did extra reps since some of his squats were questionable, but still came in 1st with 5:02. The next guy? 6:46. In CF, 104 seconds is an eternity.

  3. 7am

    Peter 9:59 ab/SB 225#
    Lauren M 13:11 SB 155#
    Mark C 12:01 225#

    Good luck Bekah! Sounds like you're going to have some amazing experiences, and congrats on graduating!!

  4. Good luck Bekah! You will be missed.

  5. the response to Next Level Strength has been overwhelming to say the least...those that have emailed or wrote questions, I will get back to you by tonight. For any others, keep submitting the form; I will make decisions by the end of the week for the group.

  6. Stuck in traffic I will be there for 330

  7. Keith, don't text/blog while driving. I love you to much.

  8. 9:30
    John C. 7:33 rx
    Mike W. 13:47 (sb/225#)
    Sarah W. dnf
    David C. 14:15 (2ab/115#)
    Chip 11:20 (sb/275#)
    Rinat 14:14 (1ab/275#)
    Amanda 14:26 (2ab rom/103#)
    Barb 12:25 (box/165#)

  9. 4:30pm
    Ryan 14:35 Rx
    Schaefer 14:58 Abmat
    Sean A. 10:08 205#/SB
    Jack 11:35 85#/box
    Gene 11:04 Rx
    Rob Ph. 12:14 275#/HSPU Rom
    Travis 9:02 185#/HSPU Rom
    Katerina 9:56 35#/SB
    Arin 12:32 145#/Abmat
    Robin 9:56 85#/SB
    Megs 9:59 135#
    Jessey 9:08 115#/SB

  10. 3:30

    Stehp I 11:09 115/box
    Becca 13:20 115 DB Press20
    Steve M 8:49 195 box
    Mark B 12:21 205 2ab
    Joy 10:45 155 SB
    Becky 8:17 125 3rnds
    Tracy 10:48 155 sb
    Shival 13:19 135 box


    Conn 13:35 205/ab
    Mark W 9:32 123/Db press 1arm
    Kate K 9:52 135/ab
    Kate C 8:33 Rx
    Steph V :)
    Jen K 13:50 65/sb
    Breanna 11:11 123/ab
    Heather 11:28 165
    Cory 9:40 115/sb
    Sarah J 12:53 105/sb
    Matt B 11:13 225/sb
    AJ 13:19 275/ab
    Andrew Y 175/ab
    Trey 13:45 175/ab
    Big Al 15:27 225/ab
    Arun 11:40 175/sb
    Borden 16:26 225/sb
    Sam B 11:20 185/Parallette
    Jess C 12:20 155/ab
    Tidmore 10:01 215/BJ
    Maria 10:38 45/sb
    Stacy H 10:24 125/sb

    Welcome to Shival who went through his first class at 3:30 today!!

  11. Happy birthday Rachael! Where have you beeeeen?? You always have good taste in music. Hope you had/have a great day!

    1. Thanks Chris!! I'll be back soon. I moved closer to the gym this week so I'll be able to make more classes before work.

  12. 5:30

    SB = stinkbug
    ab = HSPU with ab mat

    Kenny 16:51 255#
    Jerry 13:37 225#
    Jen S 11:41 165#/SB
    Faby 10:38 225#
    Jess S 12:30 145# ab
    Brian R 12:35 225# ab
    Sandy 11:07 125# 2ab
    Denise F 8:19 115# SB
    Flounder 11:11 225# SB
    Oleg 11:47 275# SB
    Vincent 11:17 205# SB
    Dan L 14:11 Rx
    Dan M 10:40 185# SB
    Vinny 9:24 Rx
    Keith B 11:29 Rx
    Laura P 10:15 145#
