

"Nutrition Baseline WOD"
AMRAP in 10 Minutes 
10 Burpees 
10 MedBall Cleans (14/20#) 
rest 3 minutes 
take 10 Minutes to get to your 1 RM Ground to Over Head 

Community Question:
Who will beat their old reps and C&J number? Will you?

"Our real problem, then, is not our strength today; it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow." 
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Rebecca 130reps, 125# CJ
Bekah 139, 120(PR)
Kristin T 166, 145# (PR)
Mike S 103, 135(PR)
Nina 162, 155#
Alex P 123, 175#
Jay E 119, 240#
Brian D 100, 75#
Paul F 85, 165#
Roni 143, 100#
Kelvin 140, 205#
Aimee 203, 147.5#
Jason 153, 235#
Keith 157, 205#
Cate 181, 160#(PR)
Pam 150/100PR
Jeremy 122/135
Chris A 114/145
Byrnsie 140PR/215PR
Schaefer 141/210PR?
WW 146rom/155PR
Mark B- 170rom/155
Jess C- 148PR/120
Ryan B 155PR/285PR
Alexis K 107, 85#= 192
Nicole M 100, 83# =183
Jen S 146, 145#=291
Joy N 137, 100#= 237
Megs 180, 110#=290
Heather 150, 100# =150
Olan-dog 126, 200# =326
Brian R 138, 205 (PR)= 343
Vinnie Gr. 110, 155#= 265
Arin 109, 115#= 224
Gene 140, 225(PR)= 365
Faby 162, 200= 362
Mike T 176, 235#= 411
Alexis K 107, 85#= 192
Nicole M 100, 83# =183
Jen S 146, 145#=291
Joy N 137, 100#= 237
Megs 180, 110#=290
Heather 150, 100# =150
Olan-dog 126, 200# =326
Brian R 138, 205 (PR)= 343
Vinnie Gr. 110, 155#= 265
Arin 109, 115#= 224
Gene 140, 225(PR)= 365
Faby 162, 200= 362
Mike T 176, 235#= 411
Bre 115/100 215
Tim McC 156/175PR 331
Steve W 115/133 248
Michelle S 85/form 85
Manisha 122/78 200
Tim H 85/175(20#pr) 260
Calvin 143/205 348
Vinny 188/245 433
Patrick 139/195 334
Anja 110/65 175
Sandy 115/90 205
Shoeless 108/205 313
Peterson 140/195 335
Flounder 109/165 274
Luke 94/145 139
Mark L 100/135 235
Ditty 102/105 207
Albert 212/205 417
Conn 109/185 294
Faby 153/205 358
Fran 125/form 125
Jackie 109/105 214
Andrew 107/135 242
Kate C 204/140 344
Mark S 114/135 249
Mark B 108/105 213
Anne 120/form 120
Fayth 112/70 182
Leslie 93/105 198
Alison 148/135 283


  1. 6am

    Rebecca 130reps, 125# CJ
    Bekah 139, 120(PR)
    Kristin T 166, 145# (PR)
    Mike S 103, 135(PR)
    Nina 162, 155#
    Alex P 123, 175#
    Jay E 119, 240#
    Brian D 100, 75#
    Paul F 85, 165#
    Roni 143, 100#
    Kelvin 140, 205#

    Nice work on staying focussed during a mental
    stresser guys.

  2. nooner

    Pam 150/100PR
    Jeremy 122/135
    Chris A 114/145
    Byrnsey 140PR/215PR
    Schaefer 141/210PR?
    WW 146rom/155PR
    Mark B- 170rom/155
    Jess C- 148PR/120
    Ryan B 155PR/285PR

    Nice work, lots of PRS from the last time this was done!!

  3. 430 umm, 'err

    Alexis K 107, 85#= 192
    Nicole M 100, 83# =183
    Jen S 146, 145#=291
    Joy N 137, 100#= 237
    Megs 180, 110#=290
    Heather 150, 100# =150
    Olan-dog 126, 200# =326
    Brian R 138, 205 (PR)= 343
    Vinnie Gr. 110, 155#= 265
    Arin 109, 115#= 224
    Gene 140, 225(PR)= 365
    Faby 162, 200= 362
    Mike T 176, 235#= 411

  4. 5:30
    Bre 115/100 215
    Tim McC 156/175PR 331
    Steve W 115/133 248
    Michelle S 85/form 85
    Manisha 122/78 200
    Tim H 85/175(20#pr) 260
    Calvin 143/205 348
    Vinny 188/245 433
    Patrick 139/195 334
    Anja 110/65 175
    Sandy 115/90 205
    Shoeless 108/205 313
    Peterson 140/195 335
    Flounder 109/165 274
    Luke 94/145 139

    Mark L 100/135 235
    Ditty 102/105 207
    Albert 212/205 417
    Conn 109/185 294
    Faby 153/205 358
    Fran 125/form 125
    Jackie 109/105 214
    Andrew 107/135 242
    Kate C 204/140 344

    Mark S 114/135 249
    Mark B 108/105 213
    Anne 120/form 120
    Fayth 112/70 182
    Leslie 93/105 198
    Alison 148/135 283

    remember on the clean to go through the first pull (deadlift), then pop those hips in the second pull, and get under QUICK. Some nice PRs which I really can't believe after that burner of a first workout. Just crazy talk.
