

 Visited CrossFit Lyon while in Lyon, France
The noon squad, the gym just opened on September 3rd!
A CF Whiteboard in France

Overhead Squat

Community Notes:
Paleo 101- Fundamentals of Nutrition will be held on Monday Oct 15 @ 6:30pm in the lobby with Laura and CF Endurance class is Mon 10/15 @ 5:30 @ UMHS track with Coach Tim.

Today is the last day to register for a T-shirt for the Anniversary party and "FARA" Fundraiser (and get the size you want) We will have a few available at the door but we strongly recommend you register today. $30 gets you beer, a t-shirt and a competitive WOD...prizes from Lululemon, Reebok and much more, plus raffles...Don't miss this event...open to all affiliates and athletes. 

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken"
-Oscar Wilde

 Peter 150# PR
Chip 155# PR
Jay E 255#
Lauren M 110# PR
Mark C 150# PR
Kyle 15# + 56# vests
Mike T 175# PR
Gina 85#PR
Bekah 105# x 2 / 115# x 1 Fail
Kelvin 145# x 2 / 155# x 1 Fail
King 155#PR
Roni 90#PR
Brian D. Form
Klutch 155#
Kim G. 95# PR
Rebecca 105#PR
Mel 100
John 235
Tracy form
Paul135 rom
Jason 245
Aimee 155
Keith 205
Justin H 205 PR
Jason H 165
Tim H 105
Ryan 240
Tim Mc 195
Megs 100
Joe C 135 PR
Laura 125 PR
Schaefer 235
Steph Ide form
Ryan S 165
Kate C 125 PR
Kathleen 75
Sandy 80
Flounder 145
Brendan 160
Randy 105
Borden 175
Conn 175
Jackie 105
Manisha form
Faby 205 PR
Paul S 175
Matt B 145
Dan M 125
Ben S 115
Jess C 110 PR
Vinny 245 PR
Jen s 135 PR
Barb 68
Steph 135
JNa 55
Jess S 63
Mike W 105
Sarah W form
Allison B 40
Chris T 95
Susan 95
Kara 55



  1. REMINDER: Philly Cow Share will be delivering the October order on Wednesday, 10/17. Please bring in a cooler today or tomorrow to the box so we have a place to store your beef until you can pick it up that day. I will let you know approximately once the cow is due to arrive. This means you Laura Pappas, Dan Mulhern, Joe Mulhern, Kim Gallagher, Mike Fab and Sharon Chapman. Laura, can you please let your co-workers know?

  2. 7am - LOTS of huge PR's today a few were 20# or more! Must be the coaching ;) JK great work guys

    Peter 150# PR
    Chip 155# PR
    Jay E 255#
    Lauren M 110# PR
    Mark C 150# PR
    Kyle 15# + 56# vests
    Mike T 175# PR

  3. @ Chip & Lauren: there are two max rep calculator apps i found for Android:

    1. "Repetition Calculator" - handles up to 15 reps for upper body, and 20 reps for lower body.
    2. "1RM" / "1 Rep Max" - handles as much as 100 reps, but offers accuracy only up to 12 reps.

    They both usually produce pretty consistent target weights. For me, they predict some lifts better than others, but have proven so far generally to be a good guide to figure out a goal weight for any given max weight WOD.


  4. Great photos Aimee!!! I love that you were the only female in the class!!!

  5. Awesome thanks for the info mark

  6. 6am
    Gina 85#PR
    Bekah 105# x 2 / 115# x 1 Fail
    Kelvin 145# x 2 / 155# x 1 Fail
    King 155#PR
    Roni 90#PR
    Brian D. Form
    Klutch 155#
    Kim G. 95# PR
    Rebecca 105#PR

  7. @Lauren and Chip - there is also the chart on the wall next to the barbells, I've found it to be pretty accurate and helpful when knowing my 1 rep and figuring out my 3, 5, 10 or vice versa

    Aimee - cool pictures of France, that must be a french version of Cindy 3, 5, 7? Were you able to double your rounds from 5, 10, 15?

  8. I don't know if those calculators take this into account, but women typically can do more reps at high percentage of their 1RM compared to men. In other words, even though they might have different 1RMs, a woman can typically do more reps at, let's say, 85% than a man could do at his 85%.

    People attribute this to women having lower testosterone levels meaning their 1RM is not actually a 1RM (compared to if they had equal testosterone to guys). I attribute it to the fact that women are more bad*ss than guys.

  9. PLentus, if I had to guess, I think that women underestimate themselves and their 1RM is lower than what they physically can do because mentally they don't believe they are strong. I believe some may be due to testosterone, but women are just not encouraged to do weightlifting during their life, especially overhead stuff. I think fear is a real obstacle : ) 1RM = not safe, 85% of 1RM = safe.

  10. CF Endurance out on the track is cancelled for tonight. Their doesn't seem to be a break in the radar less than 90%, and that track is not too level so has many puddles when it rains= not so fun. I talked to about 7 members that were going, and reached out to some so spread the word.

  11. Laura. There was an increasing kettlebell swing after each round so I got to 17... No doubling Cindy :) and you had to move your kettlebell each round.

  12. 5:30

    Laura 125 PR
    Schaefer 235
    Steph Ide form
    Ryan S 165
    Kate C 125 PR
    Kathleen 75
    Sandy 80
    Flounder 145


    Brendan 160
    Randy 105
    Borden 175
    Conn 175
    Jackie 105
    Manisha form
    Faby 205 PR
    Paul S 175
    Matt B 145
    Dan M 125
    Ben S 115
    Jess C 110 PR
    Vinny 245 PR
    Jen s 135 PR

    Nice amount of PRs tonight. Way to work everyone!
