

 Bryant comes for a visit!

"Why is everyone just laying around?"

AMRAP in 15 Minutes
5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (30/24")
20 Double Unders

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Ellie H 8
Peter 9
King 8
Mike P 7
Kristin T 11
Mike W 7
Nick 9
Amanda 5
Susan 6
Jason 9
Dig 7
Joe C 7
Fab 6
Joy 7
Lam 6
Ben 6
Klutch 8
Faby 9
Adam 9
Vinny 12
Nick 8
John C 10
Sharon 5
Rinat 9
Schaefer 9
Becky 4

MIke S 5
Brian D 6 (25")
Gina 6 (21")
Jay E 4
Lauren Mer. 5
Bekah 8 (24")
Dawn 4 (dua)
Sarah 2 (17", pu)
Jonathan 6 (21")
Kara 5 (21")
Chris T 5 (21")
Bre 5 (dua)
Megs 8 (hspu, kb, du)
Brian 9 (25" su)
Vinnie 10 (25" su)
Becca 6 (20"su, squats)
Justin R 8 (su)
Ph 10 (21" su)
Andrew Y 7, 24'
Erika 8 20 SU
Brendan 9
Manisha 8 SU
Erin 6 20' SU
Mark W 5 Step Ups SU
Anne 5 13' SU
Fayth 8 13' SU
Kathy 7 2plates SU
Mark B 8 17 SU
Kim C 8 (step-ups)
Mark B 9 (su)
Bryant 7 (24" dua)


  1. 6am

    Ellie H 8
    Peter 9+5bj
    King 8+1burps
    Mike P 7+19DU
    Kristin T 11

    MIke S 5+2burps
    Brian D 6(25")
    Gina 6+19(21")
    Jay E 4+9bj
    Lauren Mer. 5+8bj
    Bekah 8+4(24")

  2. dirty 9:30

    Mike W 7+4
    Nick 9+12
    Amanda 5+10
    Susan 6

    Dawn 4+30 (dua)
    Sarah 2+5 (17", pu)
    Jonathan 6+16 (21")
    Kara 5+25 (21")
    Chris T 5+29 (21")
    Bre 5+20 (dua)
    Megs 8+5 (hspu, kb, du)

  3. 6:30

    Andrew Y 7, 24'
    Klutch 8 RX
    AJ 7+4 SU
    Erika 8+4 20 SU
    Brendan 9+25
    Faby 9RX
    Manisha 8+6 SU
    Adam 9+5 RX
    Erin 6+5 20' SU
    Vinny 12 RX
    Mark W 5+5 Step Ups SU
    Nick 8 RX

    Good Shit Vinny, way to raise the bar.


    Anne 5+15 13' SU
    Fayth 8+12 13' SU
    Kathy 7+25 2plates SU
    Mark B 8+6 17 SU

    Great Job 7:30! Way to stay with it, Max Box Jumps.

  4. Giving props to the 4:30pm class that had to deal with my cash out. They were destroyed from the workout but I was feeling sad that no one came yesterday for OHS so I worked those groups in a different manner...bear crawls and air squats. Way to just get it done class. Nyaahh

  5. 5:30
    Kim 5+2 su/13"
    Krista 6+10 su/17"
    JNa 4+5 dua/17"
    Patrick 8+9 su
    Scott 9+3 Rx
    Fran 9 su/17"
    Shawn 7+12 Rx
    Kate C. 7+21 Rx
    Tim McC 10+39 su
    Ryan S 8+45 su
    Jim C. 8+11 Rx
    Dan L 9+13 Rx
    Tim H. 7+3 su/25"

    welcome to Scott who was visiting from CA! Paul ran the crowd through a cash IN of max plank. I think Tim McC. topped out at 7:03.

  6. Miranda 8+12 25"
    Thanks for tonight Keith!
