

5 Rounds for max reps of:
Thrusters (95/135#)
There is NO time component to this WOD.
Your score is the total reps of Thrusters and Pull-ups at the end of 5 rounds.

"Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take many small steps"
– Helmut Schmidt

John K. 133 (95#)
Erika 70 (73#)
Megs 84 (85# power cleans)
Lindsey 121 (35#/band)
Peterson 106 (95#)
Beth 72# (3 rounds, 55#/band)
Travis 103 (65#/ring rows)
Rebecca 88 (73#/band)
Tim M. 83 (Rx)
Derreck 86 (Rx)
Patrick 100 (95#)
Andrew 76 (75#)
Oleg 82 (115#)
Stasie 78 (45#/band)
JP M. 74 (75#/ROM/band)
Jay 102 (Rx)


  1. WOD from yesterday (split jerk + 1 round Helen)

    Melanie: 145# (25# PR), 4:20 (rowing, and chin not quite making it over these bar these days).

    My goal was 125# on the split jerk so I got the 145# after the 7th round which in Jason's eyes probably doesn't count but a PR is a PR!

  2. 9am results
    John K. 133 (95#)
    Erika 70 (73#)
    Megs 84 (85# power cleans)
    Lindsey 121 (35#/band)
    Peterson 106 (95#)
    Beth 72# (3 rounds, 55#/band)
    Travis 103 (65#/ring rows)
    Rebecca 88 (73#/band)
    Tim M. 83 (Rx)

    10am results
    Derreck 86 (Rx)
    Patrick 100 (95#)
    Andrew 76 (75#)
    Oleg 82 (115#)
    Stasie 78 (45#/band)
    JP M. 74 (75#/ROM/band)
    Jay 102 (Rx)

    Great job everyone. Loved seeing you push through on that last round to get a good number. Props to Tim, Derreck and Jay for Rx'ing this beast!

  3. Mel, it surely counts as you picked it up but not within the confines of the WOD. It is like scheduling a 5 rep max and posting your 3 rep max.

    All of that being said, huge number. Good job!

  4. Bottom line is, we crossfit to train and make ourselves better at what we do... You jerked 145 period, who cares how it appears on the blog. Next time you jerk, you know to start from 145, as your max. You''re not gonna say, "wait what did I get during the confines of the WOD"?

    Nice jerk!
