

Split Jerk

Cash out:
One Round of Helen
400M Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
12 Pullups

"Remember that there is one thing better than making a living – making a life."
– Anonymous

 Kim G 103PR, 4:09 band
Flounder 200PR, 3:36 Rx
Manisha 70PR, 4:23 band
Mark C 190PR, 3:49 Rx
Jessssss 100PR, 5:47 band
Tracy 115PR, 3:39 band
Joy 95, 3:53 band
Rebecca 123PR, 3:04 band
Paul 225PR, 3:42 band
Sam B 235, 2:12 Rx
Kyle 115PR, 3:04 44#
Bre 105PR, 4:23 band
Arin 120PR 5:41 Rx
Megs 115, 3:05 Rx
Jackie 120PR, 4:28 band
Schaefer 250PR, 2:58 Rx
Jeremy 185PR, 5:28 ROM
Vin 260PR, --
Stacy 115PR, 4:12 band
Jason 265, --


  1. why is everyone awesome after i leave? this is bull shit!

  2. We had a HIGH percentage of PR's at the class and what is awesome is that there is still a lot of room for improvement. 90% of failed lifts originate in the feet so practice your foot work. You need to be so comfortable with where your feet go that you are not thinking about it.

    20 people did the WOD and 16 people set a PR. 9 out of the 20 lifted more than they guessed they could. Awesome job.

    Also, good work to Arin and Flounder on their pull-ups. I never saw them do a workout as prescribed with pullups so good on both of you.

    Shout out to Schaefer. You made 250 look EASY and you had a LOT left in the tank. Crush it next time.

    Vinny also got to 265 but it was more than 7 lifts so I didn't give him credit for it. :)

  3. Extra shout out to Vinny for being the first person to do Linda as prescribed in the gym that I can remember...Sam G may have done it in the past but I can't remember. Worst case, you are one of a handful so be proud. Good work at 21:37.

  4. i was not rx, used a 45 for kbs
