

The Pappi and Plenti take on Machu Picchu

Shoulder Press:

AMRAP in 7 minutes
5 Shoulder Press (@60% of your 1RM)
10 Front Squats (using the same weight as above)
20 Double Unders

Community Notes:
Who's tried the ALBA meals, they are great! orders in by Friday...Meals by the next Thursday.

Restaurant Alba is offering prepared meals to go.  "Inspired Meals by Alba" is a new line of pre-packaged healthy meals designed and produced by Restaurant Alba of Malvern Pennsylvania. All items are packed in microwaveable containers and can be frozen. They are made with whole foods such as local and seasonal vegetables and grass-fed meats with a heavy use of organics.

Click here to see the list. Print out the list and if you choose to order place it in the envelope at the box with your check or cash at the box by Friday.

"Festivus" will be on 12/6 this year, starting at 5PM!
For those of you new to CFKoP Festivus is our Holiday party, not to be missed...details will follow. 

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”
 ― Molière

Rebecca 75, 5 rnds
Bekah 75, 3
Lauren Merr. 70, 3
Gina 65, 4
Roni 70, 4
Nina 100, 6
K.T. 85, 4
King 135, 4
Ryan B 220, 2
Brian D 85, 3
Cris 115, 3
Rinat 125, 5
Lindsey 75, 3
Chris 65, 4
Kara 65, 3
Barb 73, 3
Susan 80, NA
Nick 115, 6
Mike 115, 5
Peter O 115/135x1, 4
Sarah W 68x2
Steph V 115, 3
Amanda 63, 2
Rinat 125, 5
Lindsey 75, 3
Chris 65, 4
Kara 65, 3
Barb 73, 3
Susan 80, NA
Nick 115, 6
Mike 115, 5
Peter O 115/135x1, 4
Sarah W 68x2, 1
Steph V 115, 3
Amanda 63, 2
Dan M 95, 3
Mark S 105PR, 2DUA
Paul F 175, 3SU
Sharon 85, 3
Schaefer 165, 5
Justin R. 145, 3
JZ 105, 4 su
WW 125, 4 su
Ben 105 PR, 4
Olan 135, 3
Travis 100, 5 su
Roman 120, 5 su
Keith 135, 8
Dan L 150, 5
Gene 175, 4 su
Kyle 115, 4
Diane 100, 3 su
Miranda 85, 5
Mel 100, 3 kb
Jim C 132.5, 4
Patrick 160, 3
Ditty 75, 2
Tim H 130, 3 su
Jess S 63, 3
Paul form, 5
Kathleen 60, 5
Oliver 165- 7
Mark W. 93- 2
John C. 135-6
Denise 75-4
Alison 105-4
Stasie 45-3 (SU??)
Derreck 185-2
Klutch 145-6
Tim Mc 145-4
Al 185 ouchie-3
Damien 175-3
Sean C. 145-5
Jeremy 95-3 DUA
Linda 70-3 DUA
Leslie 65-3 DUA/SU


  1. 6am'er

    Rebecca 75, 5 rnds
    Bekah 75, 3
    Lauren Merr. 70, 3
    Gina 65, 4
    Roni 70, 4
    Nina 100, 6
    K.T. 85, 4
    King 135, 4
    Ryan B 220, 2
    Brian D 85, 3
    Cris 115, 3

  2. Ryan B - I think you left your shave kit in the locker room. I placed it in top left locker - I think 113.

  3. Hi all! It's your cowordinator here! WE NEED 3 MORE SHARES SOLD for the cow scheduled for delivery on 10/24 or else we will need to push the order until next time (which will not be until after the holidays). If anyone else is interested in getting some healthy, delicious, grassfed, organic beef, please sign up on the Google Docs spreadsheet ASAP!!!!! Cost is $348.50 for 1/8th of a share (special price). Costs will probably be higher come the next round so take advantage now!!!

  4. 930 RESULTS:

    Rinat 125, 5
    Lindsey 75, 3
    Chris 65, 4
    Kara 65, 3
    Barb 73, 3
    Susan 80, NA
    Nick 115, 6
    Mike 115, 5
    Peter O 115/135x1, 4
    Sarah W 68x2
    Steph V 115, 3
    Amanda 63, 2

    lots of PRS's!! nice work.

  5. 930 RESULTS:

    Rinat 125, 5
    Lindsey 75, 3
    Chris 65, 4
    Kara 65, 3
    Barb 73, 3
    Susan 80, NA
    Nick 115, 6
    Mike 115, 5
    Peter O 115/135x1, 4
    Sarah W 68x2, 1
    Steph V 115, 3
    Amanda 63, 2

    lots of PRS's!! nice work.

  6. syNooner
    Dan M 95, 3
    Mark S 105PR, 2DUA
    Paul F 175, 3SU
    Sharon 85, 3
    Schaefer 165, 5

  7. Dear members:

    Today, we noticed that there was a hole either punched or kicked through the Sheetrock in the men's room. We go through great lengths to provide the nicest gym atmosphere possible and it is extremely disheartening to Aimee and myself that someone would treat our home in a manner they would not treat their own. We kindly ask that you respect our property and if something does happen and the result is something breaks, please have the decency to inform us so that we may take care of it. I am surprised that something like this could happen in our community...

  8. 4:30
    Justin R. 145, 3
    JZ 105, 4 su
    WW 125, 4 su
    Ben 105 PR, 4
    Olan 135, 3
    Travis 100, 5 su
    Roman 120, 5 su
    Keith 135, 8

    Dan L 150, 5
    Gene 175, 4 su
    Kyle 115, 4
    Diane 100, 3 su
    Miranda 85, 5
    Mel 100, 3 kb
    Jim C 132.5, 4
    Patrick 160, 3
    Ditty 75, 2
    Tim H 130, 3 su
    Jess S 63, 3
    Paul form, 5
    Kathleen 60, 5

    keep that midline tucked down to prevent overextension...good job!

  9. 6:30
    Oliver 165- 7
    Mark W. 93- 2
    John C. 135-6
    Denise 75-4
    Alison 105-4
    Stasie 45-3 (SU??)
    Derreck 185-2
    Klutch 145-6
    Tim Mc 145-4
    Al 185 ouchie-3

    Damien 175-3
    Sean C. 145-5
    Jeremy 95-3 DUA
    Linda 70-3 DUA
    Leslie 65-3 DUA/SU
