

5 Rounds for time of:
200M Overhead Plate Carry 25/45#
200M Farmers Carry (choose a weight that will challenge you)
200M Run

“Convince your enemy that he will gain very little by attacking you; this will diminish his enthusiasm”
― Sun Tzu

Kelvin 22:13 (25/44Kb)
Brian D 29:41 (25/35db)
Roni 22:14 (30db)
Lam 34:10 (45kb)
Mike P 33:16 (110#)
Nina 28:15 (45db)
Lauren 24:56 (35kb)
Ryan B 30:33 (65db)
King 30:35 (60db)
Mike S 27:48 (35/35kb)
Arin 33:05 (35)
Susan 25:40 (35)
Schaefer 29:15 (65,+vest)
WW 27:07 (53)
Alexis 31:43 (15/35)
Jess C. 31:34 (44)
Chris 30:22 (35/45)
Alison 29:35 (45)
Heather 23:17 35db
Anja 24:10 15#/26kb
Vinnie 28:08
Justin R 24:57 45#
Rob Ph 30:22 70#
Peterson 26:02 35#/55kb
Mike Fab 31:04 45#/53kb
Rachael 28:00 26kb/row
Byrnsey 27:59 70kb
Tidmore 20:15 30/35
Samson 27:01 35/35
Pete W 27:48 45/55
Bre 28:16 35/35
Mark B 25:42 35/45
Tim H 25:40 25/35
Gene 34:16 45/100
Luke 33:12 35/35
Calvin 28:16 45/60
Kate C 32:31 25/45
Flounder 28:59 35/45
Sandy 30:14 25/20
Brian R 31:21 45/45
Kenny 35:11 45/40
Ditty 25:25 20/20
Jackie 25:28 20db
Michelle S 25:57 15/15
Steve W 27:13 45/40
AJ 27:48 45/55
Oleg 30:24 45/55
Stasie 28:?? 26kb
Rebecca 27:13 25/45
Sean C 27:12 45/70
Kathy G 28:49 15/15
Leslie 25:08 15/20
Damien 32:33 45/70
Sean D 37:52 45/53


  1. How am I supposed to force myself to take a day off when you have WODs such as this one?!!?

  2. 6:00am

    Kelvin 22:13 (25/44Kb)
    Brian D 29:41 (25/35db)
    Roni 22:14 (30db)
    Lam 34:10 (45kb)
    Mike P 33:16 (110#)
    Nina 28:15 (45db)
    Lauren 24:56 (35kb)
    Ryan B 30:33 (65db)
    King 30:35 (60db)
    Mike S 27:48 (35/35kb)

  3. Glad Mike is in the main picture for this WOD because he was a monster this morning! 110 in each hand.. ridiculous! Awesome Mike, truely inspiring like always!

  4. . . . thanks, Nina!

    It was a great "welcome home" party.

    You crushed it, and Lam showed some stones going back up to the 55# KB to finish strong.

  5. Stones!! Or lack of intelligence and common sense? LOL

  6. Happy birthday Shoeless! You make people smile when you are in the gym and your work ethic is unmatched. I wish people knew you in college because they'd realize just how far you've come. Instead, they think you were born part man, part beast. Happy birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday, Shoeless! You are always so kind, encouraging, and supportive! Like a gentle giant with a kick ass deadlift.

    Where have you been?

  8. Happy Birthday, Shoeless!!!

    Good man.

    Strong man.

    Class act.

  9. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! I've certainly learned a lot from all of you, especially how to combat weaknesses with self-discipline and commitment to improving.

    Megs, I am still around and trying to come to every class I can fit in my schedule..I should be around back to my normal frequency very soon. I can't wait for that!

  10. Happy Birthday Shoeless!

  11. Happy Birthday shoeless!

    You are an inspiration in awesomeness for all of us!


  12. Nooner

    Arin 33:05 (35)
    Susan 25:40 (35)
    Schaefer 29:15 (65,+vest)
    WW 27:07 (53)
    Alexis 31:43 (15/35)
    Jess C. 31:34 (44)
    Chris 30:22 (35/45)
    Alison 29:35 (45)

    Nice work choosing weights that were challenging as well as dodging rush hour traffic in the parking lot! Shout out to Susan, who went beast mode on this WOD- jogging many rounds with her plate! No doubt this workout tested strength and grip, but it was much about mental toughness...being able to keep going when your brain says "stop" is a skill just like anything else we do in the gym. I have no doubt that the folks that excel at this WOD are not to be messed with!

    Note: the morning and noon classes started the 200m from the concrete barricades.

  13. Happy Birthday Shoeless! I hope you have a great birthday! You truly are one heck of a guy! I really do smile every time I see you! Enjoy your day bud!!!

  14. Happy Bday Joe :)


    Heather 23:17 35db
    Anja 24:10 15#/26kb
    Vinnie 28:08
    Justin R 24:57 45#
    Rob Ph 30:22 70#
    Peterson 26:02 35#/55kb
    Mike Fab 31:04 45#/53kb
    Rachael 28:00 26kb/row
    Byrnsey 27:59 70kb

  15. Shoeless happy birthday miss you man. Hope all is well and enjoy today. You don't need any reminder but I will. You are a great guy and a class act.

  16. 5:30
    Tidmore 20:15 30/35
    Samson 27:01 35/35
    Pete W 27:48 45/55
    Bre 28:16 35/35
    Mark B 25:42 35/45
    Tim H 25:40 25/35
    Gene 34:16 45/100
    Luke 33:12 35/35
    Calvin 28:16 45/60
    Kate C 32:31 25/45
    Flounder 28:59 35/45
    Sandy 30:14 25/20
    Brian R 31:21 45/45
    Kenny 35:11 45/40

    Ditty 25:25 20/20
    Jackie 25:28 20db
    Michelle S 25:57 15/15
    Steve W 27:13 45/40
    AJ 27:48 45/55
    Oleg 30:24 45/55
    Stasie 28:?? 26kb

    Rebecca 27:13 25/45
    Sean C 27:12 45/70
    Kathy G 28:49 15/15
    Leslie 25:08 15/20
    Damien 32:33 45/70
    Sean D 37:52 45/53

    way to hang tough through a long, mentally challenging workout.

  17. Happy Birthday, Shoeless! You are always a great guy to WOD with, and have a great energy at the box!
