

Seven rounds for time of:
3 Forward rolls
5 Wall climbs*
7 Toes to bar
9 Box jumps, 30" box

WOD Demo with CrossFit 215 - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Extended workout footage - video [wmv] [mov
*Note the video these are the "wall climbs" where you walk up the wall.

Community Notes:
Are you coming to our BIG 4 Year Anniversary Party at CFKoP??
We hope so...everyone is invited!

CLICK HERE for more details and for the flyer...or read below:

CrossFit King of Prussia is celebrating 4 years and we want you to join us, work out for a great cause and raise some money for (FARA). Kyle Bryant, a member of Crossfit KOP, was diagnosed at 17 with Friedreich's Ataxia (FARA is the alliance who funds research for this disease). The Crossfit Journal recently featured Kyle in an inspirational video documenting not only his story but showing the community that is Crossfit.


The WOD:
AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 Pullups
10R/10L Single Arm DB Thrusters (25/40)
15 Burpees

There will be a Competitive, Social, and Kids Division.
Prizes awarded for the top Male and Female in the competitive division.

To Benefit: FARA ( Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance)
Cost: $30 donation at the door and a free t-shirt and beer.
We will have many raffles, door prizes and other awesome surprises.
Please register by 10/15/12 to guarantee your size will be available the day of.
Register by emailing crossfitkopfundraiser@gmail.com.
Registration starts at 8:00am, Standards at 9:00AM with the first wod kicking off around 9:15am.

Spectators, Friends, Family and Visitors are welcome, consider it an open house if you have never done CrossFit!

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them.”
― George Bernard Shaw, Mrs. Warren's Profession

Kelvin 21:39 ROM 25"
Brian D. 22:04 ROM 24"
Gina 22:24 ROM 21"
KT 19:00 25"
Wax 19:22 Rx
Kim G. ROM 21"
Lam 22:40 Rx
Bekah 20.01 ROM 21"
Mike T 13:53 Rx
Lauren M 26:12 (21", wall scale)
Jay E 32:16 (side rolls, 28")
Nina 30:34 (wall scale)
Beth O 29:32 ROM 24"
Chip 24:05 Rx
Nick Z 19:38 ROM
Liz O 20:00 scale
Peter O 23:27 Scale
Barb Z 23:28 scale
Theresa :-)
Kara 21:50 scale
Chris T 21:42 scale
Megs 20:03 scale
Susan 21:19 rom 25"
Rinat 23:04 Rx
Kim C 22:41 scale
Keith 16:17 Rx
Becky 15:23 Rx
Aimee 14:55 toes through rings
Jessie DNF
Joy 22:08 scale
Rachael 26:38 21"
Justin R 26:38 ROM
Diego 22:05 ROM
Sharon 30:35 Scale
Becca 14:58 Scale
Mark B 19:17 28" scale
Manisha 26:46 24 scale
Flounder 25:00 ROM 25"
Denise 26:19 T2B ROM wall scale 30"
Patrick 22:28 Rx
Oleg 22:29 24"
Calvin 24:00 T2B ROM
Gene 18:17 Rx+ 34"
Jessi 24:20 20" scale
Dan L 21:00 Rx
Kate C 22:28 Rx
Shawn 25:43 GHDs
Kyle Bryant 31:27 Scale
Lisa C 21:57 (kb holds)
Lizzie 23:09 scaled
Jackie H 19:11 scaled
Paul S 15:29 32"box
Conn 22:34 rom wallwalks
Schaefer 17:12 Rx
Ben 21:17 Rx
A.J. 31:20
Andrew 26:34
Pam 17:29 scale 24"box
Derrick 28:55 Rx wall
Al 28:58
Anne 19:?? (5Rds, ROM, 13")
Fayth 19:27 (ROM 13")
Arin 30:54 (Rx)
WW 25:30 (30" ROM)
Vinnie 28:46 (Chest ROM)
Fab 27:13 (ROM 25")
Ph 22:54 (ROM 25")
Olan 25:55 (Rx)
Steph 26:00 (scale)
Brynsie 19:57 (Rx)



  1. CrossFit Endurance Reminder
    Mon 9/24 5:30
    Wed 9/26 6:30

    Both at the Upper Merion High School Track!

  2. Awesome. I can't wait. Thank you Aimee and KoP community!

  3. 6am
    Kelvin 21:39 ROM 25"
    Brian D. 22:04 ROM 24"
    Gina 22:24 ROM 21"
    KT 19:00 25"
    Wax 19:22 Rx
    Kim G. ROM 21"
    Lam 22:40 Rx
    Bekah 20.01 ROM 21"

    Great work this morning on a fun and tough HERO WOD! Lam, you scamp, keeping your birthday a secret. I know 8 people who owe some burpees! Happy Birthday, Lam!

  4. 7am climbers

    Mike T 13:53 Rx
    Lauren M 26:12 (21", wall scale)
    Jay E 32:16 (side rolls, 28")
    Nina 30:34 (wall scale)

    Great job today fighting through those wall climbs. Looks like Mike T set the bar pretty high, who's gonna catch him?

  5. Mike T for President!!

  6. crap! I was trying to be sly about it! :-P how'd you find out Mike?

  7. Ok tonight at CFE we'll a timed 1 mile run on the track. I'd you've never ran a mile for time come on out and test your fitness. See you at UMHS at 530 :)

  8. There is a signup sheet at the box for the FARA Fundraiser/Anniversary Party!

    Please indicate what size shirt you would like so we can be sure to order it!

    Thanks! Also we plan to have raffles like we did for Barbells 4 Boobs so if you have any donations/connections it would be greatly appreciated!

  9. 9:30

    Beth O 29:32 ROM 24"
    Chip 24:05 Rx
    Nick Z 19:38 ROM
    Liz O 20:00 scale
    Peter O 23:27 Scale
    Barb Z 23:28 scale
    Theresa :-)
    Kara 21:50 scale
    Chris T 21:42 scale
    Megs 20:03 scale
    Susan 21:19 rom 25"
    Rinat 23:04 Rx
    Kim C 22:41 scale
    Keith 16:17 Rx
    Becky 15:23 Rx

    Aimee 14:55 toes through rings
    Jessie DNF
    Joy 22:08 scale
    Rachael 26:38 21"
    Justin R 26:38 ROM
    Diego 22:05 ROM
    Sharon 30:35 Scale
    Becca 14:58 Scale

  10. 5:30

    Mark B 19:17 28" scale
    Manisha 26:46 24 scale
    Flounder 25:00 ROM 25"
    Denise 26:19 T2B ROM wall scale 30"
    Patrick 22:28 Rx
    Oleg 22:29 24"
    Calvin 24:00 T2B ROM
    Gene 18:17 Rx+ 34"
    Jessi 24:20 20" scale
    Dan L 21:00 Rx
    Kate C 22:28 Rx
    Shawn 25:43 GHDs
    Kyle Bryant 31:27 Scale

    Awesome job tonight everyone! Shout out to Denise and Kate for using the 30" box for the whole WOD!!

  11. 630

    Lisa C 21:57 (kb holds)
    Lizzie 23:09 scaled
    Jackie H 19:11 scaled
    Paul S 15:29 32"box
    Conn 22:34 rom wallwalks
    Schaefer 17:12 Rx
    Ben 21:17 Rx
    A.J. 31:20
    Andrew 26:34
    Pam 17:29 scale 24"box
    Derrick 28:55 Rx wall
    Al 28:58

    WW were tough, but everyone pushed thru, and kept it constantly varied by trying out a new skill.

  12. In the Endurance Track workout Jess C hammered her mile time trial and knocked off about 32 seconds over her last 3 attempts, AWESOME job Jess. 30 sec. in a 1 mile is a huge PR, especially when running it on the same track every time. Very tough mentally to push yourself like Jess does. Very impressed.

    Whats your open 1 mile time?

    Jess C 7:28
    King 6:23
    Jim C 5:36

  13. dang, nice job milers...esp. Jess who, when she first joined, literally would only breathe through her nose. Awesome progress. (wait, did you run the mile breathing through your nose? even more impressive)

    Lam, happy birthday my Asian brother! You bring a super positive attitude to the gym and selflessly give your talents as photographer and videographer. Hope you had a great one!
