

Floor Press


AMRAP in 7 Minutes
10 Box Jumps (20/21"-24/25")
30 Double Unders

What is a Floor Press: 
It's just a bench press from the floor. We will do it narrow gripped, with your elbows by your sides to mimic the pressing position of the push-up and ultimately the handstand push-up.

The Floor Press is essentially a Bench Press minus the actual bench.  At the bottom of each rep, there will be a momentary pause before locking the bar out over the chest. The pause at the bottom of a Floor Press does two things; firstly it removes the stretch reflex normally present in Bench Pressing. This will produce a similar training effect as seen in Box Squats where the pause at the bottom forces your muscles to move the weight without the benefit of an elastic rebound.  Secondly, a slow and controlled Floor Press will protect your wrists and upper arms. That's also pretty important...

Community Notes:
Paleo 101 - Intro to Nutrition is on Tuesday, 9/18 at 6:30pm. If you have recently completed Fundamentals, there is a nutrition session included in that package. Take advantage of it today and meet Laura in the CFKoP lobby.

Plentus is hosting a Clean and Jerk Clinic on Sunday, 9/23 from 11-2PM sign up in MindBody today.

How is your nutrition challenge going? 
 Friday evening we are hosting a Paleo/Zone Potluck at the box. Bring your favorite dish to share and a recipe of what it is...This will start at 6:30PM and run through 9:00PM.

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired."
Franz Kafka

Pat 185/170
Chip 225/188
Lam 165/289
Ben 155/145
King 175/170 rx+ 30"
Oleg 205/130
KT 110/240
Wax 225/167
Jay E 225/130
Susie 85/50 Du ATT
Ellie 75/170
Gina 85/136
Coxhead 225/361Rx
Bryant(visitor) 205/220 SU
Bre 75/160 SU/DUA
Barb Z 95/130 Rx
Nick Z 200/281 Rx
Rob M(visitor) 175/240 SU
Steph V 125/90 Rx
Chris T 65/123 DUA
Jonathan 205/130 21"
Kara 65/116 DUA
Dawn 65/140 SU/DUA
Sarah W 75/56 DU
Susan B 105/135 DUA 24"
Keith 145/253 Rx
Kevin 245/252 Rx
Ryan 335/98 Rx
Aimee 120/250 Rx
Justin H 205/340SU
P 335/284 Rx+ (30")
JZ 150/184 Rx
Joy 85/198 Rx
Roman 165/160SU
Hamid 155/:)
Joe C 200/204 Rx
Vinnie 185/240SU
Justin R 170/199 Rx
Peterbutt 170/273 Rx
Dig 150/170SU
Sharon 135/160ish Rx
Schaefer 300/283
Oji 185/120
Jess C. 100/159
Denise 85/168
Paul - / 59 (push press)/280
Dan (from CFG) 205/323
Leslie 90/376 (SU)
Kyle 185/201
Sean 225/310 (SU)


  1. so far I've talked to Megs, Paul, and Mike T. for the CJ clinic on Sunday. If there's anyone I missed, or if you want in, email me because I have some prep material I like to send out beforehand: chris at crossfitkop dot com

    I've also opened this up to Iron Cross and Del Val CrossFitters. If you know someone at another box that would like to join, they're more than welcome

  2. 6:00am

    Floor press#/total reps

    Pat 185/170
    Chip 225/188
    Lam 165/289
    Ben 155/145
    King 175/170 rx+ 30"
    Oleg 205/130
    KT 110/240
    Wax 225/167
    Jay E 225/130
    Susie 85/50 Du ATT
    Ellie 75/170
    Gina 85/136

    Awesome job by the 6:00am crew, judging by Susie's reaction I think that I saw her first ever double under..Congrats. It was great to see everyone hammering away at the DUs no matter how pretty they were. Also, a big welcome back to Ben's shoulder...you have been missed.

  3. 9:30 & 12:00

    Coxhead 225/361Rx
    Bryant(visitor) 205/220 SU
    Bre 75/160 SU/DUA
    Barb Z 95/130 Rx
    Nick Z 200/281 Rx
    Rob M(visitor) 175/240 SU
    Steph V 125/90 Rx
    Chris T 65/123 DUA
    Jonathan 205/130 21"
    Kara 65/116 DUA
    Dawn 65/140 SU/DUA
    Sarah W 75/56 DU
    Susan B 105/135 DUA 24"
    Keith 145/253 Rx
    Kevin 245/252 Rx
    Ryan 335/98 Rx
    Aimee 120/250 Rx

  4. My crossfit math has to be wrong. I should have used a damn piece of paper or an abbacus.
    That number just doesn't seem right. I apologize for the possible error.

  5. Floor press/Cash out/AMRAP
    Cash-out was using 60% of 3 RM- max reps in 2 minutes

    6:30 class
    Schaefer 300/21/283
    Oji 185/27/120
    Jess C. 100/30/159
    Denise 85/21/168
    Paul - / 59 (push press)/280

    7:30 class
    Dan (from CFG) 205/20/323
    Leslie 90/24/376 (SU)
    Kyle 185/29/201
    Sean 225/29/310 (SU)

  6. Miranda 110/210 Rx
    LP 75/323 Rx
    Kate C 120/170 24"
    Ying 65/240 su
    Melissa L 83/482 su
    Pam 103/428 su
    Derreck 275/120 Rx
    Klutch 215/235 Rx
    Geoff 195/171 Rx
    Dan L 195/265 30"
    Balmer 235/286 30"
    Olan 185/167 30"
    Tre 135/213 Rx
    Jim C 185/129 Rx
    Patrick P 245/135 Rx
    Gene 245/200 dua 30"
    Mel 100x2 shoulder press/106 reps (20" step ups + 44#kb swing)

    good stuff everyone. floor presses were solid and explosive off the ground; cash out was a lung burner!

  7. JC, how many rounds did you complete? I was talkin you up man, don't make me think that 361 was a fluke!

  8. Schaefer did you really floor press 300lb???

  9. A. Yeah, Schaefer went hard tonight.
    B. Coxhead, 9 rounds? I believe it.
    C. Ryan, Wrap those thumbs around the bar, nice lift!

  10. I thought I did 9 rounds and a last second box jump. It's no big deal, just staying honest.
