

"Air Force" 
Complete the following for time, but do 4 burpees at the start of each minute:
20 thrusters
20 sumo deadlift high pulls
20 push jerks
20 overhead squats
20 front squats

Ladies 65#/Men 95# 

(compare to 8.14.11) or (compare to 10.14.10)  

Community Notes:
CrossFit Endurance will occur on Thursday, 9/20 5:30PM at the Upper Merion High School Track. Meet Coach Pappas there!

"We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude."
-Charles R. Swindoll

Jason 7:32 Rx
Kelvin 12:54 75#
Mike S. 16:57 55#/35#
Roni A. 10:46 45#
Cris A. 13:30 Rx
Ryan B. 7:36 Rx
Gina 13:44 45#
King 9:57 75#
Balmer 10:53 Rx
Brian D. 14:49 65/45#
Jay E 7:51 Rx
Peter 14:47 Rx
Kyle B 12:56 DBs
Lauren M 11;38 45#
Mark C 10:40 75#
Nick Z 10:37 65#
Mike W 11:40 65#
Sarah W 10:14 35# (1/2)
Kara 13:37 35#/15#
Chris T 13:59 35#
Jen S 11:00 Rx
Beth O 16:56 35#/15#
Tanner 7:32 Rx
Amanda D 14:49 35#/PVC
Lisa A 13:49 33#
Steph V 12:00 Rx
Fayth 15:15 35#
Anne 12:58 35#
Susan B 11:47 Rx
Aimee 6:39 Rx
Cate 7:39 Rx
Keith 7:59 Rx
Dorothy 5:55 33#/DB25#
Rob PH 13:46 Rx
Justin R 17:43 95/45#
Travis K 15:58 75#
WW 15:45 75#
KT 8:38 Rx
Wax 9:46 95#
Mark S 11:55 53/15#
Mark B 14:44 75/45#
Olan 15:48 80#
Brian R 9:45 75#
Megs 11:51 Rx
Kyle 10:48 65/45#
Jason H 13:19 75#
 Arin 15:57 55#
Ryan 9:55 75#
Alison 11:50 Rx
Roman 10:59 75#
Schaefer 9:59 Rx
Conn 12:-- 75#
Andrew 15:45 ?#
Diego 13:37 75#
Calvin 17:50
Randy DNF
Oleg 14:44 Rx
Sam B 10:52 Rx
Dan M 13:40 65/45#
Stasie 17:44 35#
Erika 12:43 45#
Jessi 13:34
JNa 10:40 35#/half
Lisa Ch 17:17 45#
DeeDee 17:54 55#
Paul S 9:44 Rx
Justin M 16:44 53/33#
Matt G 22:48 65
Patrick 11:31 Rx
Gene 11:44 Rx
Dan L 21:51 Rx
Jess S 14:41 45/no burpees
Kathleen 13:38 35ROM
Geoff 23:54 Rx
Sandy 12:44 45 PVC OHS
Ben 14:50 65 PVC OHS
Chris 11:58 65
Shawn 8:56 PVC OHS
Tim McC 15:37 Rx


  1. 6am
    Kelvin 12:54 75#
    Mike S. 16:57 55#/35#
    Roni A. 10:46 45#
    Cris A. 13:30 Rx
    Ryan B. 7:36 Rx
    Gina 13:44 45#
    King 9:57 75#
    Balmer 10:53 Rx
    Brian D. 14:49 65/45#

    HUGE shout out to Ryan Brennan with a 7:36 performance. Way to set the pace for the day.....anyone have sub 7:30 in them, Rx?

  2. 7am
    Jay E 7:51 Rx
    Peter 14:47 Rx

    Kyle B 12:56 DBs
    Lauren M 11;38 45#
    Mark C 10:40 75#

  3. 6:30pm

    Conn 12:-- 75#
    Andrew 15:45 ?#
    Diego 13:37 75#
    Calvin 17:50
    Randy DNF
    Oleg 14:44 Rx
    Sam B 10:52 Rx
    Dan M 13:40 65/45#
    Stasie 17:44 35#
    Erika 12:43 45#
    Jessi 13:34
    JNa 10:40 35#/half
    Lisa Ch 17:17 45#
    DeeDee 17:54 55#
    Paul S 9:44 Rx
    Justin M 16:44 53/33#

  4. 5:30

    Matt G 22:48 65
    Patrick 11:31 Rx
    Gene 11:44 Rx
    Dan L 21:51 Rx
    Jess S 14:41 45/no burpees
    Kathleen 13:38 35ROM
    Geoff 23:54 Rx
    Sandy 12:44 45 PVC OHS
    Ben 14:50 65 PVC OHS
    Chris 11:58 65
    Shawn 8:56 PVC OHS
    Tim McC 15:37 Rx

    Shout out to Gene for getting his first Muscle-Up after class tonight!!!

  5. Thanks Keith, could not have done it without the coaching (and the lucky socks).
