

 Keith & Ryan
6, 7, 12 & 4:30 Results:

With a 15 minute time limit, complete the following nine movements with as heavy a load as possible.

1. Deadlift
2. Clean and Jerk
3. Snatch
4. Back Squat
5. Push Jerk
6. Front Squat
7. Press
8. Thruster
9. Overhead Squat

Score is total completed

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. You will have one bar and one rack in which to use to perform these movements. The only exception will be determined by the size of the class, in which case, a rack may be shared. There will have to be a strategy applied to what loads to attempt for each lifts, as well as how to place plates on the bar, as you will have to change out the plates yourself. You can have multiple attempts at each lift, but you need to be aware of the time limit at all times. So, choose your loads carefully and with much thought. Most of the hour will be spent warming up for this workout. The deadlift, back squat, snatch, front squat and overhead squat will probably require the most amount of time warming up.

“A brave man acknowledges the strength of others.”
 ― Veronica Roth, Divergent

Bekah 975lbs.
Mike S 1,150lbs.
Nina 1,305lbs.
Steve Z 625lbs.
Heather 688lbs.
Rebecca 1,025lbs.
Jay E 2,795lbs.
Lauren Mer. 945lbs.
Chip 16:42.5lbs.
Oleg 1495lbs.
Wax 1,825lbs.
Rinat 1,335lbs.
K.T. 1,120lbs.(forgot 1 lift!)
Dianne 695lbs.
Nick C 1,440lbs.
Aimee 1415#
Vinnie 1135#
Sharon 710#
Coxhead 1645#
Lam 1420#
Becca 705#
Joy 885#
Alisson 1285#
Tim H 1455#
King 1370#
Roman 1190#
Joe C 1515#
Justin 1585#
Gene 1690 lbs
Jen S 1205
Paul S 2065
Keith 2115
Ryan 2440
Jim C 1645
Becky C 840
Calvin ?
Chris A?


  1. This is a REALLY fun one but strategy is huge. 15 min is not much time at all and you'll be lucky to get 3 attempts at each lift, if that. Not surprisingly, Jay E DESTROYED this one last time


    Plentus is right--strategy is EVERYTHING. plan the work for yourself and have FUN.

  3. I remember last time we did this I hated this WOD. Strategy & Jen S. are not the best of friends....

  4. Do the lifts have to be completed in that order?

  5. Gene. Any order. That's part of the fun and strategy.

  6. This WOD was soooo fun!!! I loved doing this last year! Strategy is everything and best to plan ahead what weights you think you'll need for each lift and the order in which you should go to maximize your time. Good luck everyone!

  7. 6/7am
    Bekah 975lbs.
    Mike S 1,150lbs.
    Nina 1,305lbs.
    Steve Z 625lbs.
    Heather 688lbs.
    Rebecca 1,025lbs.
    Jay E 2,795lbs.

    Lauren Mer. 945lbs.
    Chip 16:42.5lbs.
    Oleg 1495lbs.
    Wax 1,825lbs.
    Rinat 1,335lbs.
    K.T. 1,120lbs.(forgot 1 lift!)
    Dianne 695lbs.
    Nick C 1,440lbs.

    Yes fun indeed was what we had at the mornin classes. CP said it best, and I think they all can acknowledge in that 15min is NOT alot of time in relevance to getting all 9 lifts in. Holy F -Bomber there were some strong numbers int here though even as rushed. Right on Mel careful planning and strategy will make this go sooo much smoother from transition to transition. As assumed, Jay E rounded out a megagigunormous total weight which in the end means he just lifted (and ate) a mid-sized sedan for breakfast.

  8. Damn. I did this at home and thought the lifts had to be done in the order listed, but I think it made the strategy even more important and the WOD more challenging. What a really fun WOD. I'm not sure which I liked better, yesterday's WOD (in a very masochistic, twisted sort of way), or today's!

  9. Prices for Cow/Salmon Shares confirmed:
    $348.50 per 1/8 share cow
    $175 for 1 whole King salmon
    $45 for one whole Coho salmon
    There will be an envelope at the box next week to pay for your salmon. Checks are made out to Conor Garvie. Thanks!!!

  10. Balls. Totally didn't see push jerk on the list! Advice from KT - read instructions carefully and write down your strategy before you start! That was fun tho ....def want to do that one again!

  11. Any tips on strategy? Complicated lifts first (snatch & C&J) or heavy lifts first (dead & squats)? Spread out similar movements?

  12. You want to start with those heavy lifts first. Start with the front squat, and back squat. For most, the heavier lifts.. then you can drop it off the rack and go right into deadlifts.. from there on you can decide but, if your going to do a clean and jerk, you may as well clean, jerk and then drop it back on your rack and go right into a push jerk.. saves time and effort. Lots of strategy.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Choose a weight that is challenging, but you know you can hit it. You don't want to fail at 4-5 attempts on a snatch weight, that you have only gotten a few times. Your going to waste too much time.

  15. 4:30pm

    Aimee 1415#
    Vinnie 1135#
    Sharon 710#
    Coxhead 1645#
    Lam 1420#
    Becca 705#
    Joy 885#
    Alisson 1285#
    Tim H 1455#
    King 1370#
    Roman 1190#
    Joe C 1515#
    Justin 1585#

    Way to use strategy today guys...you all put together some impressive weights. Knowing in advance where you stand with some of these movements can make all the difference.

  16. My bad guys...I erased the 5:30 scores before Keith got them. Please post your results to comments.

  17. 1. Deadlift-385 lbs
    2. Clean and Jerk-205 lbs
    3. Snatch- 135-lbs
    4. Back Squat-FAIL
    5. Push Jerk-185 lbs
    6. Front Squat-275 lbs
    7. Press-175 lbs
    8. Thruster-195 lbs
    9. Overhead Squat-135 lbs

    Total: 1690 lbs

  18. #1205 for me. Last time we did this there were a couple of lifts I didn't get in. I think my strategy was a bit better....since I almost doubled my total score ;)

  19. I sucked at this.... SUPRISE someone cant focus on 9 things in 15 mins.....
