

Max effort day!!!
Prowler Push 100 Meters (to/from the wall)(135#/205#)
800 Meter run
Complete three rounds of the above with complete rest between rounds. Score is time results from each round.

For example Athlete A: 3:50, 4:05, 4:10

“Courage is found in unlikely places.” 
― J.R.R. Tolkien

Pete W (205,160,110) 6:22/8:16/5:54
Gina (135,100,70) 7:18/7:27/6:48
Kelvin (200,180,150) 7:31/7:27/6:48
Bekah (135,100,100) 6:53/7:02/6:52
Roni (90,70,40) 10:10/7:15/6:30
Chip (205,180,180) 8:52/6:31/6:43
Brian D (130,110,110) 8:53/5:35/5:33
Susie (45,35,20) 11:38/6:40/6:20
Steve Z (70,70,70?)? 7:20/7:48/7:39
Dan M 5:51(135),7:10(135),7:15(110)
Mark B 7:06(185),4:45(155)
Ryan 5:40, 5:55, 7:01 rx
Tim McC 8:42(205),7:18(185),7:37(185)
Dianne 5:23(90),5:33(20)400m runs
Kim G 6:26,7:04,7:18 (90)
Mark C 7:04,7:12,7:23 (170)
John Sch 5:45(205)6:25(205)6:22(185)
Nick 5:28, 5:41(155 lbs)
Mike F 7:00/7:24/6:58 Rx
Tanner 5:43/6:28/5:40 Rx
TimHenn 6:27/6:40/7:11 Rx
Brian R 6:24/6:08/5:57 (180)
WW 7:21/7:15/6:45 (180)
Joe C 5:35/6:33/5:47 (180)
Jim C 5:29/5:33/5:27 (180)
Ryan S 5:37/6:35/6:24 (140)
Rachael 7:01/7:03/6:43 (90, 1k row)


  1. Pete W (205,160,110) 6:22/8:16/5:54
    Gina (135,100,70) 7:18/7:27/6:48
    Kelvin (200,180,150) 7:31/7:27/6:48
    Bekah (135,100,100) 6:53/7:02/6:52
    Roni (90,70,40) 10:10/7:15/6:30
    Chip (205,180,180) 8:52/6:31/6:43
    Brian D (130,110,110) 8:53/5:35/5:33
    Susie (45,35,20) 11:38/6:40/6:20
    Steve Z (70,70,70?)? 7:20/7:48/7:39

    quote of the morning - "I think that's my new least favorite work out" - Pete W.

    6am crew crushed it...way to stay tough on that prowler, splits were pretty tight for the most part as well.

  2. This workout is absolutely terrifying.

  3. Not that every day isn't supposed to bne max effort but I agree with Jason. This one would make me puke.

  4. ...has anyone seen the successful implementation of a local "crossfit league" where there may be weekly or biweekly competitionss between participating affiliates? Not sure if anyone would be interested, but it would be fun to throw together a few teams of 4-6 people to embarrass teams from other local gyms...have a collective win/loss record and potentially participate in playoffs/championship matches...

    ..just wondering...Dan L.

  5. Dan I know the affiliates in NY have done it successfully and called it the subway series...CF Virtousity, CF Queens, CF S Brooklyn and a few others.
    I think it's a great idea!

  6. I would love that idea Dan, it's not really practical to have to travel 90+ minutes one way to jump into a competition.


  7. Here is what Aimee was referrencing:


    Looks like it was between 4 affiliates...which would be an easy number to advertise to locally.

    This is another "league" that I stumbled upon: http://www.atlantaleague.com/

    These people seem willing to help us set up a league with all software, etc. neccessary. I guess we would need to network with other local affiliates to see if there is interest...

    Dan L.

  8. I only did two rounds of today's WOD because of time constraints yet I feel like I was hit by a truck. Totally underestimated that workout.

    Mark B

  9. 12:00 results:

    Dan M 5:51(135),7:10(135),7:15(110)
    Mark B 7:06(185),4:45(155)
    Ryan 5:40, 5:55, 7:01 rx
    Tim McC 8:42(205),7:18(185),7:37(185)
    Dianne 5:23(90),5:33(20)400m runs
    Kim G 6:26,7:04,7:18 (90)
    Mark C 7:04,7:12,7:23 (170)
    John Sch 5:45(205)6:25(205)6:22(185)
    Nick 5:28, 5:41(155 lbs)

    Some people had to go back to work!!! or at least thats what they said.... :-)

  10. This was definitely more of a mental battle than the physical. Really enjoyed the challenge (afterwards, haha). Thanks to Vinny and Keith for the motivation.

  11. 430'er

    Mike F 7:00/7:24/6:58 Rx
    Tanner 5:43/6:28/5:40 Rx
    TimHenn 6:27/6:40/7:11 Rx
    Brian R 6:24/6:08/5:57 (180)
    WW 7:21/7:15/6:45 (180)
    Joe C 5:35/6:33/5:47 (180)
    Jim C 5:29/5:33/5:27 (180)
    Ryan S 5:37/6:35/6:24 (140)
    Rachael 7:01/7:03/6:43 (90, 1k row)

    Wow- awesome fights to get that barge moving, you guys rocked. That Tim H is a locomotive.

  12. 5:30

    Chris A 5:59/6:10/6:01 140/120/100
    Flounder 6:10/6:50/5:57 135/90/90
    Vinny 5:01/5:07/5:24 Rx
    Gene 5:40/5:22/5:27 Rx
    Dan L 6:32/6:45/9:11 Rx Pukie!
    Calvin 6:35/6:45/6:32 Rx
    Heather 6:18/6:31/6:42 90
    Breanna 6:50/7:43/7:51 90
    JessS 7:29/8:19/8:13 90
    Manisha 7:41/7:51/7:33 50


    Erika 5:46/5:35/5:42 50
    Andrew 5:45/5:07/5:04 110


    Fayth 7:59/8:39/7:37 50
    Nick 6:29/7:19/7:20 180/160/160
    Anne 8:10/8:24/7:10 50
    Matt B 5:43/7:49/8:41 180/160/160
    Albert 6:22/6:59/5:40 180/160/160
    Jeannie 6:27/5:06/5:28 50
    Kyle 4:51/5:07/5:25 115

  13. isetsse 40That was a tough one tonight! Shout out to Calvin, Gene, Vinny and Dan L all sticking with 205 and not dropping down. Also, welcome to Jeannie on her first class!! Not an easy one to jump into as your first WOD! And thanks to everyone in the 7:30 for showing her where the 800 mark is!

  14. I'm always puking...this time in front of a family walking near the river...I think my overall puke timing is off

  15. I would love to be apart of this crossfit league thing you speak of! Please keep me updated!
