

A 9.11. CFKoP original commemorative Team WOD
(teams of 2 athletes will work to complete the work load, one athlete working at a time)

Bear Crawl 500 feet total (down and back 5 times)
100 Step-ups (45#/25#)
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75#/55#)
100 Step-ups (45#/25#)
Bear Crawl 500 feet total (down and back 5 times)
Buddy Carry 200 feet total (carry down and back twice)

This workout is intended to honor and remind us of the bravery that a firefighter or other hero may have demonstrated on that horrific day. The bear crawls remind us that we may not always be able to walk tall into any situation but that should not deter us from the end goal of helping someone in need. The step-ups remind us of the endless flights of stairs that many brave souls endured in order to help others in need. The sumo deadlift high-pulls remind us of the rubble that needed to be removed in order to save the life of a complete stranger. Finally, the buddy carry will remind us that we are all in this together and that life is the greatest of gifts and it is the only thing worth dying for.

We would like to thank every person that gave their life in service on 9-11-01 and every member of the armed services that continue to fight for our freedoms and safety to this day.
Words will never be enough! Thank you.

Past Results:
(compare to 9.11.11) or  (compare to 9.11.10) or (compare to 9.11.09)

Happy Birthday Jen S! Thanks for all you do for CFKoP!

Community Notes:
Who's in for this Saturday's Beat the Street WoD? Open to all members and non-members. Click HERE to find out more. We hope to see you all on Saturday. 

How is your nutrition challenge going? Post to comments and let us know.
Recently Susan, Steph V, KSB and Ken attended the book signing for Melissa Joulwan's book Wel Fed Paleo Recipes. This is a GREAT recipe book. Check out Laura's take on the Wel Fed Bora Bora meatballs.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” 
― Winston Churchill

Kim G/Ellie 25:10 (20#db)
Rebecca/Gina/LaurenMerr. 23:39 (20#db,20"box)
Oleg/Wax 23:32 Rx
Nina/KT 20:12 Rx
Ditty/ Lizzy 22:55 15/45
Nick/Miranda/Kyle (Rx,Rx,25/55)
Jim C/Gene 22:30 Rx
Derreck/AJ 32:56 RX
Sean C/Damien 23:18 RX
Paul/Diego(35DB,24SU)/John S(100lb Ammo FC) 28:22 RX
Steph/Diane 29:46 RX
Jason H/Jess C 21:44 Women RX
Mike P/Albert 26:45 RX
Linda/Kathy Scale 29:10
Sean/Leslie Scale 27:36
Bo/Arin/Sharon 30:50 Rx
Joy/Mel 27:25 Buddy carry sub
JZ/Travis 25:32 (35#)
Justin H/Justin R 27:33 Rx
Ben/WW 24:05 30#/65#
Aimee/John C 18:30 RX
Keith B 28:40 50's solo Rx
Mark S/Lisa 30:59 15/30# 45#
Alison/Susan 23:06 Rx
Kara/Chris 45#SDLHP/15DB 25:47
Barb (rx)/Amanda (20DB/45#)/BethO (rx) 26:28
BJ/Nick 30#DB/65SDLHP 22:15



  1. Happy Birthday, Jen S! You are such a sweet girl and I hope you enjoy your birthday to the fullest!!! Oh, you are also a bad ass chick at the box, but a very sweet girl :)

  2. Happy Birthday Jen S- your awesome! Even if you have full out conversations with me during the row portion of fight gone bad :P Have an awesome day.. did you want to celebrate sometime.. i mean its only proper I return the favor!

    The Zone is going very well for me. I am really enjoying it because I'm not always hungry, and actually forget that I should be eating.. I'm actually having trouble meeting all my blocks. I was weighed last tuesday at the doctors with shoes off and was 157, when I weighed in on Saturday with shoes on I was 153 already.. given I had just got back from vacation, that is still a big deal as I am a pretty consistent 155.

    I find it hard to eat so little meat, only because I was eating way too much in comparison to fruits and vegetables prior. I'm getting used to it and I do feel much better. I don't feel the need to binge when I get home and have a lot less stomach aches..(my stomach bothers me a lot normally).. Not to mention even being very sore yesterday, I did awesome in my WOD.. which also could have been a combination of 2 weeks rest, 1 of which I started the zone. Nonetheless first week down, feel pretty good..and still have a lot of areas I could be stricter.. I need a food scale for meat!

  3. 6am'errr

    Kim G/Ellie 25:10 (20#db)
    Rebecca/Gina/LaurenMerr. 23:39 (20#db,20"box)
    Oleg/Wax 23:32 Rx
    Nina/KT 20:12 Rx

  4. I am just curious to hear where everyone was when they found out about the twin towers?

    I was on Main Street in Manayunk, about to turn right onto Green Lane to get to 76E to go to Drexel for grad school. I was listening to Howard Stern and that is how I heard about it. I immediately made a U-turn and went back to my place on Leverington Ave. because I was at the time dating a girl that lived in Manhattan and worked in mid-town. I then watched tower two fall while watching CNN with my two roommates. Crazy how I can remember almost everything about that day.

  5. Happy birthday Jen Jen! Not only are you our in-house Mind and Body expert, but also an actress slash model. (any Friends fans out there?) Hope your day is just swell!

  6. in regards to Jason's request:
    I was a senior in high school in NYC. Our school was located on the upper east side and I was in math class. We heard an announcement to go to our homerooms where we watched the events unfold. I lived in NJ, but the National Guard shut down the island, so I had to stay overnight with a friend who lived in Manhattan. It was surreal to walk across Lexington Ave, Madison Ave, even Park and for those major streets to be empty. I wanted badly to go down and help, but our school was adamant about staying away so professionals could do their jobs. Once I got back to NJ the next day, some friends and I made ribbons and stood on street corners handing them out and collected donations which we passed on to the Red Cross.

  7. Wow P. How long was your school closed?

  8. . . . courtyard of the WTC, right outside of the Customs House when the first plane hit . . . it was a bad day.

  9. Zone is going OK for me. I guess I'm lucky that I don't need a lot of variety. I'm not doing Paleo zone or anything, but I still have trouble with the carbs. I just don't eat a large variety of veggies (especially the leafy greens). I can't even stomach them. I stick with sweet potatoes, onions, peppers, and mushrooms. Other than that, I'm eating a lot less nuts than I used to. Glad it's week 2 though so I can enjoy a cheat day soon. I did a quick weigh yesterday but it wasn't at my normal time (down 2 lbs). I'm not sure how much of this was diet vs. being bloated due to pigging out on labor day weekend before the weigh in.

    For the 11sep, I was in sophomore year of high school. Found out 2nd period. One tower fell right when we were leaving class, and the 3rd period teacher (a mean nun) wouldn't let us watch it and continued teaching as usual.

  10. Zone is going OK for me. I guess I'm lucky that I don't need a lot of variety. I'm not doing Paleo zone or anything, but I still have trouble with the carbs. I just don't eat a large variety of veggies (especially the leafy greens). I can't even stomach them. I stick with sweet potatoes, onions, peppers, and mushrooms. Other than that, I'm eating a lot less nuts than I used to. Glad it's week 2 though so I can enjoy a cheat day soon. I did a quick weigh yesterday but it wasn't at my normal time (down 2 lbs). I'm not sure how much of this was diet vs. being bloated due to pigging out on labor day weekend before the weigh in.

    For the 11sep, I was in sophomore year of high school. Found out 2nd period. One tower fell right when we were leaving class, and the 3rd period teacher (a mean nun) wouldn't let us watch it and continued teaching as usual.

  11. Mike P...you were there?!?!?!?!?

    Holy WOW. I would love to hear more sometime.

  12. I was a pre-junior at Drexel and on the 24th floor of the ARAMARK tower. I was in early that morning because people with last names beginning with a "D" got new id badges (i had that picture for years and years after). ARAMARK operated the restaurant at the Top of the Tower, the vending, gift shop and the food service at the Pentagon.

    As people trickled in to start the day people had heard about a plane crashing but we assumed it was a small plane not the start of a calculated attack.

    My friends Uncle was in the FBI at the time and called me around 10:15 and said the Sears Tower was closing in Chicago, Liberty 1 and 2 and to get the "f8ck" out of the city and not to take SEPTA.

    My Mom used to tell me that she'd never forget where she was when Kennedy was shot, I know what she meant. Like Jason I can vividly recall the entire day.

  13. I think it was a Tuesday, so we had the rest of the week off

  14. First Happy Birthday Jen S. you rock and I am going to get you a Karate Cake t-shirt.

    Next 9/11 - I was working from my home office in narberth and watching the today show as the shit started to happen. I could not believe it and started to wonder if and who I knew that could be there. As the day unfolded meg and I got disturbing news. My sister-in-law father Joe who was a fireman in the trade center area was missing. As each day went by it was awful and eventually they found his wedding ring. Also lost was my fraternity brother's sister who was in the 2nd plane to crash into towers and my friend from high school who was a Canter Fitzgerald victim And my neighbor at the beach who we have known for a few years now and watched her kids grow up lost her husband another Canter Fitzgerald guy and she was pregnant with their 3rd child.
    Very tough time and never forget

  15. On 9/11 I was teaching a class to a bunch of tax accountants in the basement of the Radisson in King of Prussia. We took a break and I heard someone mention that something happened with the WTC, so I checked cnn.com and saw the initial reports. At that time they didn't know it was an attack, so everyone assumed it was an air traffic control mistake or something. We continued the class and then when went to lunch in a place in the lobby. The hotel staff had rigged up televisions throughout the lobby and it was packed with people watching. I told everyone in the class to go home and screw the class (all of the attendees had flown in for it). About half of them did, including a lady who was from NYC and said her husband worked at the WTC. I never did find out if he survived. A horrible day.

  16. It was a Tuesday. Montco morning. A&P class. Lab. Breakfast at BK Drive-thru. Howard Stern talking about airplanes. Boring. Flip stations. Airplanes. Boring. WTF. Back to Howard...seriously? An aircraft hit a building? A passenger jet liner? KYW1060. All schools closed? What is happening?? Drive home. Walk in kitchen. TV on. NBC. 8:43. SECOND plane crashes on LIVE TV. What is happening? Phone family. Phone friends in NYC. All circuits busy. Send AIMs to NYC. Shocked. Life is short. Life is a gift. Appreciate what I have been given. -BJ

  17. 5:30

    Ditty/ Lizzy 22:55 15/45
    Nick/Miranda/Kyle (Rx,Rx,25/55)
    Jim C/Gene 22:30 Rx

  18. Couple things:
    1. Rebecca and I did 25lbs on 20 box.
    2. Jen S. -happy birthday, you rock!!
    3. On 9/11, it was my senior year in high school. was in Trig and it was 5 mins before the bell was going to ring. Our vice principal had come to let us know what had happened. At that time, we thought it was just an accident. I had to leave class early due to being on crutches from an injury during soccer. I went to English next, and we turned on the tv. My teacher's son was living in NYC at the time and my teacher could not get ahold of him. It was a very scary day. Later on that night, a bunch of my friends and I drove to a nearby hangout where I grew up (yes, it was at a convenient store, I grew up in NEPA!) we turned on he radio and sat on the hoods of our cars just listening to the news, and not saying a word. I will never forget it.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Happy Birthday Jen S!!

    On the morning of 9/11, I was on a flight from Philly to Minneapolis. The pilot announced that we would we would be landing in Detroit under orders from the FAA due to a national emergency. When we landed, people started using their cell phones, and I heard chatter about a plane crashing into the WTC. I called my office, and my secretary told me that I needed to call my family and let them know that I was okay. After talking to my family, I got a hotel in Detroit and turned on the TV. It was not until then that appreciated the enormity of what had happened. Once that sank in, I got myself a rental car and started driving back to Philly. I listened to NPR the whole time and thought about my kids, who were only 4 and 1 at the time, and about all of the children who had lost a parent that day. I spent the night in Pittsburgh. I had dinner sitting at the bar in restaurant that was eerily quite, the only sounds coming from the TVs broadcasting about the tragedy. I’ll never forget how stunningly beautiful the weather was on that day, and I’ll never forget how stunningly sad and tragic were the events of that day.

  21. 6:30 Results
    Paul writing for Mel!

    Derreck/AJ 32:56 RX
    Sean C/Damien 23:18 RX
    Paul/Diego(35DB,24SU)/John S(100lb Ammo FC)
    28:22 RX
    Steph/Diane 29:46 RX
    Jason H/Jess C 21:44 Women RX
    Mike P/Albert 26:45 RX


    Linda/Kathy Scale 29:10
    Sean/Leslie Scale 27:36

  22. It was only my third month at Merck and my officemate and I were at our desks when her husband called her to tell her to check cnn.com because a plane had crashed into the WTC. I remember not being able to process the info - I distinctly remember thinking it was one of those small planes and someone made an error when flying.
    My officemate's boss still remembers me as the one who told him what happened because he stopped by our office shortly after the attacks started.
    My mother was working in Harrisburg at the time and was evacuated. My great aunt was living in Manhattan and she had Alzheimer's so we were checking on her and making sure she didn't leave her apartment via the phone.
    My roommate and dear friend from Chapel Hill had a brother who worked in the WTC complex, but by some miracle of God had taken a vacation day on 9/11. Her ex-boyfriend also survived (he didn't work in WTC, but nearby) but was covered in ash and described escaping that part of downtown Manhattan.

  23. I was teaching my 2nd period class when the teacher next door to me came in and said, "Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center". I put on the TV in my classroom and listened to the reports. The TV did not have cable so the picture was extremely fuzzy and you really could not see much, but you could hear Peter Jennings doing the reporting. I did not see the towers fall until I got home later that day. It was surreal dealing with teenagers and trying to answer questions I did not have the answer for. One thing that I kept thinking was, "Some of the boys sitting in my classes may be heading off to war." Another surreal experience was going out to football practice that day and the couple of days following it and not seeing a plane in the sky.

  24. thank you all for sharing and a humbling thank you to all who served and the families and friends who suffered.

    I was at my desk emailing with my boyfriend at the time who had connections to the trading floor and following an email at 8:05 I knew before anyone else in my office in Northern NJ...that a plane had it the WTC...I remember yelling over my cubical. I assumed it was a small jet but found out later that was not the case. I know exactly what I was wearing, the weather and what I ate that day (weird, right?). Shortly following that my co-workers and I went to the tall building in our complex and watched the second tower fall...OMG. Such an eerie feeling in my apartment that night...and so many friends and acquaintances who lost loved ones...
    The days and years to follow would be changed forever...

  25. Thank you for the birthday shout outs! :) I'm just getting back from a week in Utah and can't wait to see your smiling faces!

    I am so grateful to be part of such an amazing community! Joining KOP was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have not only seen positive changes phsyically, but also mentally and emotionally. And I have met some amazing people and made some awesome bad ass friends along the way. I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for me!

    I was a sophomore in college and my roommate woke me up to tell me what was going on. I was very worried because I have a lot of family who live in NYC. I know I made a bunch of phone calls that day. I was fortunate that I didn't personally know anyone who was hurt, but had a lot of friends who knew someone involved in the attacks. I remember my friends & family telling me how weirdly quiet the city was. It is definitly a day that will forever leave a lasting impression on all of us.
