

Jen S at the King and Queen of Prussia

Power Cleans 105/155#
Chest to Bar Pull-ups

"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." 
-Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.


  1. 6am
    Schaefer 11:32 RX
    Mike S 17:20 105/PU
    Sam Bo. 13:00 ROM
    Susie 45/Band
    King 12:18 135
    Kim G. 12:28 75/MF
    Ellie 11:24 75/Gr
    Jay 11:02 RX
    KT 10:29 RX
    Wax 8:44 RX
    Rebecca 12:16 95/Band
    Oleg 12:41 RX

    Chip 11:14 RX
    Lauren 9:41 75/Band
    Peter 11:05 135
    Nina 16:25 RX

    Nice work on this classic couplet! Classes enjoyed a nice core work cash out of barbell roll outs...yum! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6dbCIRRM80.

  2. KT was that better than your King and Queen time or the same? I'll bet it felt easier since it was only 1 workout ;)

  3. 930

    Barb: 13:33 63#/MF
    Susan: 11:40 85/MF
    Jonathan: 15:45 95/green
    Nick Z: 11:33 105/Rx
    Megs: 17:20 Rx
    Mike W: 16:43 145/Rx
    Sarah W: 16:43 45/band
    Kathy: 15:55 45/JMU
    Heather: 12:51 63# /pullup
    Amanda: 15:58 55/green
    Renee: 15:07 65/MF

  4. Nooner:

    Chris A: 14:37 95/band
    Jess C: 21:02 85/band
    Keith: 10:15 Rx ouchie
    Dianne: 15:43 53/band

  5. eff the captcha SO HARD btw.

  6. 3:30 Friday Happy Hour!

    Mark B. 10:36 (115)
    Paul F. 12:12 (115, black band/pull-ups)
    Steph V. AKA, nose breather 8:54 (green band pull-ups)
    Anne 9:40 (35#, ring rows)
    Laura 12:03 Rx
    Mike T. 8:38 Rx
    Fayth 12:27 (55#, black band & ring rows)

    Good job everyone! Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Wax - great job today - you really smoked it!

  8. Papa wax showin us that old men can lift shit up and put it down with the youngins

  9. 4:30 Big Ass Class!

    Diego 14:21 Rx
    JZ 13:29 115

  10. 5:30
    Derreck 12:39 pu's
    Tim H 9:36 105/band
    Mark C 11:56 135/band
    Alison 10:51 band
    Lizzie 10:45ish 65/pu's
    Vinny 9:45 Rx+ 175#
    Kate C. 9:36 Rx

    Sam B. 6:51 Rx
    Erika 9:33 75/band
    Calvin 11:46 green
    Borden 11:26 pu's
    Sean 12:50 pu's
    Paul S 8:03 Rx
    Dan M 12:01 95/band
    Becky 12:15 85#
    John C 8:41 Rx
    Kim C 12:17 55/mf att
    Nick C 13:54 Rx

    good work peeps. way to open those hips on the 2nd pull of the clean. No, Sam's time is not a typo.
