

Overhead Squat

Push Press

Community Notes:
CF King of Prussia is hosting a level one seminar on November 17th and 18th. Click here to register today.

"In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity."
- Albert Einstein


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anne, Mark, Matt, and Faith,
    Here are the Paleo links I was talking about tonight. It's a lot of info to absorb, so don't expect to take it all in at once!

    My fat face: http://bit.ly/PDH3fV

    My "Paleo 101" page: http://bit.ly/PDH4QS

    Primal Blueprint cookbook: http://bit.ly/PDHcQv

  3. Anyone want to check out some info about the trek that we did (Plenti and Pappi) check out my blog post here: http://www.laurapappashealth.com/2012/08/awe-inspiring-vacation/ a few preview photos to the FB album :)

  4. 6/7am

    Gina 55ohs, 75pp
    Susie 25, 25
    Mike S 55, 100
    Pat P 135, 135
    Paul F 95, 170
    Brett 95, 145
    Jay E 205, 235
    Sam 115, 135
    Lauren M 70, 70
    Peter 125, 135
    Nick C 125, 145
    L.P 105, 95
    T.P. 155, 165

    Whew, when the weight is overhead, those 10reps take for-ever. Nice strength session crew.

  5. Nooner!

    Ryan B: 135/225
    Rob Ph: 155/195
    Justin: 150/135
    Alexis: form/65
    Sarah W: form/55
    Mike W: 65/145
    Becky: 75/83
    Lindsay 25/53

    10 strung OHS is as much mental as it is physical. Nicely done, nooners!

  6. 5:30

    Key: Overhead/Push Press

    Breanna 55/85
    Sandy 65/80
    Calvin 135/175
    Gene 115/175
    John Sch 155/175
    Jim C 105/140
    Oleg 135/155
    Kim G 55/85
    Brian R 135/165
    Sharon 35/115
    Dan L 95/175
    Vinny 170/x

  7. 4:30 results

    Steve M 83/63
    Jim Cur 115/165
    Keith 135/165
    Jeff H 95/120
    Joe C 95/135
    Steph V 95/120
    Travis K 105/135
    Tim Mcc 95/155
