

 Welcome to Amanda (above) and Susie (below)

AMRAP in 30 minutes
10 Push Jerks (155/105#)
15 Box Jumps (30/24″)
20 WallBalls (14/20# to 9ft/10ft)

This is a Partner WOD – Partner #1 will perform the work listed above. Partner #2 will run 200m with a sandbag (choose weight according to level and ability). Once Partner #2 returns from the run, Partner #1 will grab the sandbag and begin their 200m, while Partner #2 continues work wherever #1 left off.

Score is your total # of reps

Community Notes:
Open gym will run tonight from 6:30PM until 7:30PM in tandem with Barbell Strength and Steve's Club/Kids. There will be an adult/kid WOD tonight - see below:
Team Station Rotation
AMRAP in 3 minutes of each in teams
*Prowler Push/Pull
*Tire Flip and Jump
*Slam Balls
*Two athletes working at a time

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.”
-George Bernard Shaw

Mike S/Jay E - 7 rds + 11 reps (75# 24")
Derrek/Brett - 6 rds + 30 reps (135#)
Ellie/Kim G - 6 rds + 20 reps scaled
Cecila/Dianne/Nicole M - 9 rds scaled
Damien/Shawn 7rnds + 5PJ (135#, 30"bj)
Peter/Becca/Roni 9 rnds +12BJ
Cris A/Nick C 7rnds (135, 30")
Lauren M/Kristin 6rnds+19 (65/45, 20"bj, 14/10ft, 35)
Mike W/Rinat 6rnds + 2bj (115)
Vinny/Ying 6 Rx/45 30"/21"
John Sch/Ben 8+1 135/35db 15db 30"
Matt G/Gene 6+7 135/95 30"/24"
Tidmore/Mel 7+9 115/95 24"/21"
Travis/Patrick 7+14 115 30"
Aimee/Cate 354 Rx
Roman/Panos 270 135#/30"
Sharon/Ryan B 310 24"
Sarah ouchie/Becky scaled
Susie/Ciera 335 85#/13"
Anne/Fayth 315 22"/13"
Lindsay/Amanda 280 35#/13"
Susan/Mark B 295 85#/24/30"
Justin H/ Nick Z 315 105#/30"
Kim/JohnC/Grans 285 155#/24"/30"


  1. 6am - Looooong AMRAP

    Mike S/Jay E - 7 rds + 11 reps (75# 24")
    Derrek/Brett - 6 rds + 30 reps (135#)
    Ellie/Kim G - 6 rds + 20 reps scaled
    Cecila/Dianne/Nicole M - 9 rds scaled

  2. 7am

    Damien/Shawn 7rnds + 5PJ (135#, 30"bj)
    Peter/Becca/Roni 9 rnds +12BJ
    Cris A/Nick C 7rnds (135, 30")
    Lauren M/Kristin 6rnds+19 (65/45, 20"bj, 14/10ft, 35)
    Mike W/Rinat 6rnds + 2bj (115)

  3. This was a CHIPPER, fer sure! Thank you to Tim P and the 7 Am'ers for letting me run with them today. Ton of fun, crazy endurance WOD.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anyone want to do the 31 Heroes WOD (http://www.31heroes.com/the-wod-2/) with me at the 6:30 Open Gym?

  6. Cline -

    Mike P and I are going to do it

  7. Right. I'm trying to find a partner as well. If not, I'll just do it solo. Just means I have to go all the way through one 8-6-11 completely before running. 6 rope climbs are gonna suh-uck.

  8. 5:30

    Vinny/Ying 6 Rx/45 30"/21"
    John Sch/Ben 8+1 135/35db 15db 30"
    Matt G/Gene 6+7 135/95 30"/24"
    Tidmore/Mel 7+9 115/95 24"/21"
    Travis/Patrick 7+14 115 30"

    Awesome work tonight. Not a lot of time to rest on this one. Everyone pushed hard all the way through to the end.

  9. 4:30 results

    Aimee/Cate 354 Rx
    Roman/Panos 270 135#/30"
    Sharon/Ryan B 310 24"
    Sarah ouchie/Becky scaled

  10. FOUND - 1 pair of Mens Nike Oly shoes - put in lost and found box

    - 1 pair of mens? sunglasses, hung on coat rack

    - bag of endurance caplets / supplements?? put in members room.

  11. Those sunglasses are mine. Black oakleys. They are my ballistic sunglasses for work. I'll be able to get them tomorrow after my shift at 6. Honor system , hope they will still be there.

  12. what makes sunglasses ballistic? do they shoot lasers out of them? on sharks?
